Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday Gold

As I look out the window, in early morning,
I spy many birds, some just born,
They come in many colors and sizes,
Some rather ugly, some may win prizes,
One of the prettiest that I have seen,
Is a Goldfinch with a golden sheen
The wings and the tail are as black as coal,
The rest is gold, a friendly soul,
When perched on a feeder, it eats all day,
When perched on a limb, it sings away,
What a dreadful world this would be,
If not a single bird or Goldfinch we'd see,
The world would be quiet all day long,
As it would be void of any bird or song,
There's nothing nicer in this world to me,
As to spy a spot of gold, and find a Goldfinch in my tree,
Then to hear it sing, loud and long,
And know it will come back all Summer long.

By Megan

Bloomsburg, PA
Grade 7

Photo By: Mental Mama
Grade: 20,789
Place: Her favorite cherry tree


abb said...


Flea said...

Aww. That's precious! The photo is pretty, too. :)

Treasia Stepp said...

What a beautiful poem and love the picture too.

Anonymous said...

What a great poem for a seventh grader. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Love the finch and poem, too. :-P


Holy Schnikes! That is talent...from both of you babes.

Shelley Jaffe said...

We just started getting gold finches in our back yard, and Meghan perfectly summed up my happiness with our new little residents!

Snooty Primadona said...

How precious is that? What a delightful child that can make prose like that. Whew!