Saturday, April 19, 2008

Prom Babies

It was another Prom Night last night here in Mental Land.
This time, it was the Baby Bird's prom.
So, we went back to the baby portraits for our photo op.
The Baby Bird.
I wish I could fit my big ol' mental self into her clothes.
I love this dress.
But I love her more!
And I am still so very thankful she is okay.
Augie was invited to her prom, too.
So we put him back in his monkey suit.
And trotted him out for more pics.
I mean, have you ever seen anyone so cooperative?
Their dates were just as adorable as they were, but I did not get permission from their parents to put their mugs out into the cyberworld, so you, dear reader, will have to use your imagination.

Then, after all the flurry and driving and many pre-prom gatherings, Mental Mama was all alone.  I do, unfortunately, confess to a little texting.  No one answered.

So I went to find my other baby, Dora.
She was having none of me either.


Treasia Stepp said...

Both of your babies look beautiful and so grown up. Did you cry last night? I am dreading it next month because I know I'm going to be crying.

Anonymous said...

Love and adore those baby pics in the background. What a great idea.

(and how did I miss Monday's post? Oh, wait, I remember. It was the day before taxes were due!) Anyway, glad she was okay. It is so scary to have them out driving, isn't it? But I think an accident like that one, where they realize their mortality, but walk away from it makes them better drivers. Hugs to YOU though, for having to go through it.

So are you all walking everywhere these days *g

Mental P Mama said...

lol Kacey. Yeah, we're walking alright. Walking to my rental car and then I drive EVERYWHERE. But, she did learn an invaluable lesson.

abb said...

Best. Dang. Eye-Roll. EVER!

Anonymous said...

With one child gone already I'm becoming accustomed to the empty nest in my future.

I was already accustomed to the eye rolls... although your son seems very proficient!

Anonymous said...

Your children are just beautiful. I'm so glad I still have about 8 years or so before my 1st leaves the nest. :)

Laura ~Peach~ said...

love the eye rolling~ The baby portrates are awesome! I just remembered I have two drawings that a friend in college did for me of my kids... the drawings are stashed and perhaps should be pulled out at some point!

Anonymous said...

Oh so, so beautiful..and Mom how are you holding up with all this?

Flea said...

That lost shot of your kids is the BEST! Magazine ad type fun.

Debbie said...

Your daughter is so beautiful and lovely dress! I love the way you took the photos beside the baby pictures and especially son rolling eyes! LOL priceless. I hope Prom night was a success!

Thank you for thinking of me today and I can only imagine how it is with two at the same time. Hopefully, at least one will be nearby!!


Oh my heart. They are beautiful children. I am looking forward or not to the day my children go to the prom. Don't they grow up fast?

Joanie said...

The kids look they had a glorious time! That leaves us at home, alone, with our pups, doesn't it? And, our thoughts and memories...

Anonymous said...

Awww...I love the baby paintings in the background! What a beautiful daughter! *sigh* ah, yes, the days of prom...
My baby will be graduating from college soon.
Oh, and re: the sundae fudge cake- I was craving it and I posted the recipe...but have not made it! (yet) LOL
I need Meg's pills first! LOL

Egghead said...

I love the photo with the eye roll. Seems like something my son would have done.

Country Girl said...

This is an adorable post with such sweet photos.

Sorry I don't get to come here daily. It always feels good when I do get to come here, though!