- The Bird and I saw Eclipse yesterday. It was good! And that Kristen Stewart actually looked pretty.
- A random blogger I occasionally read is an attorney in Texas. He eloped last weekend in Vegas, and I felt a twinge of envy. What's that about?
- I did Day One of P90X, and a week later, did half of Day Two. Fail.
- So now, I am researching the Nike Plus. Anybody have a review for me?
- We are friends with a couple, and the husband is openly dating another woman. Openly. Should we tell the wife?
- Did you know that there is a device you can put on a cell phone and get a report on every call and text from that phone? Sad.
- I think honesty and integrity are more important to me in a partner than anything else. I guess that's what being 50 brings....
- I just found two different apps that help you find your car in a parking lot. Seriously? Are we that dumb?
- Speaking of dumb, why would anyone run for public office?
And the 2025 classic read is ...
4 days ago
Wow - that is an eclectic mix for this Thursday.
The husband is OPENLY dating other women?!? Maybe the wife knows about it already. I think I might talk to the husband first and - if I was a good friend with the wife, I would probably tell her too . . .
I say say nothing because she will not believe it ... if she does she will hate you for knowing what she didnt.
And yes, we are that dumb... maybe you and I arent but generally speaking .. LOL ... maybe there should be an app to help find the other app on your phone ...
Oh, I already don't care for that man who is openly dating. I hate hearing things like this, it's truly awful.
I don't have an answer for you, but I can tell you one thing. If other people, including family and friends, knew that my husband was openly dating someone and didn't tell me? I'd be furious. But that's just me, and unfortunately I'm speaking from experience.
Yes, most of the world is that dumb. Then there are those of us who don't even know what an app is, and they don't make an app for people that dumb unless it's the application of a dunce cap. (where people = me)
1. Um, touchy subject on the husband thing. I wish you didn't know so you could NOT make this decision.
2. Can't wait to see Eclipse!
3. Hubby and Ty are doing P90x. Then hubby threw out back...now back to the drawing board.
4. I need that app. Yes, I am that dumb.
Honesty and integrity are the two characteristics I find most appealing in anyone really. Is that an age related feeling? I remember feeling that way in my teens.
What Daryl said.
I still feel bad about ruining the ending of Eclipse (the book) for you on my blog, when I gave away total spoilers without warning!
I'm with Daryl - don't tell the wife. She most likely knows. I lost a friend in college by doing that - telling her because I *knew* she'd want to know. Turns out, not so much. She married him a few years later. They're divorced now.
Sad to say but I'd totally get that app.
My sister eloped to Vegas. She called a week later to let us know:)
love the plants in the post previous... wish mine looked so good... and dunno on the questions... LOL
Hubby and I eloped to Vegas 11 years ago - but it was a 2nd marriage for both of us, and I would have felt silly doing it any other way. :)
And yes - I would tell the wife. She SHOULD be mad at the hubby - but if she ends up mad at you - well, then she doesn't know how to handle it. But, I would expect my friends to tell me, so I would tell my friends.
And I have been known to lose my car in a parking lot. If I jumped out fast when I got to the mall and didn't pay attention and my mind was on 100 other things - you can see why I can lose my car.
She knows, say nothing. Be there for her later if she brings it up.
Oooh the husband dating. Only you know this couple and how close you are to the wife. If she's a good friend, how could you talk to her and not say anything?
I'm with you about the honesty and integrity. I like knowing that I don't have to worry about what my husband is doing behind my back.
No review on the Nike Plus but I'll let you know later about the Wii Get Moving!
Yes...tell the wife! Tell her. Do it now. Years and years ago, our best friend was opening dating a woman I worked with. When my best friend would call me and cry and cry...wondering what her husband was doing.. I did not tell her and to this day, I regret it.
Is there an app to find all things misplaced? cell phone. glasses. purse. shoes. remote control. glasses. keys. grandson... hubby...oh wait, he can stay lost!
OMG! did I say that? I did!
Telling the woman depends on how close you are with her.
If it is a close relationship I would tell her. She should appreciate that you cared enough to go out on a limb for her.
Is there an app for finding my glasses on top of my own head? That's the level of misplacing I am experiencing. Kudos on even attempting the P90x - I am just proud of doing the "chair exercises" at our local senior center!
I'm feeling pretty punchy this afternoon - I just rearranged my living room, cleaned a little and am now drinking a beer!
~Mad(elyn) in Alabama
wow...your list today is full of some heavy stuff......how sad for that wife.....what a loser husband and I agree about the integrity and honesty.....I have heard better things about this part of Twilight....they said she actually acts in this one...yeah! because I can't wait to see it....but with the baby having surgery this week and all...haven't made it yet...hopefully soon...
can I tell you your comment on my blog tonight touched me...thank you my friend.....
I really have no comment about any of this except to say that yes, there are people dumb enough to need an app to find their car in a parking lot. At least I've heard that there are. But not me, cause I pay very close attention to where I put everything, like my glasses, and my grandchild, and my wine and my car. [not necessarily in that order.]
Some of us might be that dumb. Sadly. We might. We may have lost our car on more than one occasion. Yes, it's entirely possible.
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