Friday, July 23, 2010


Out of Commission over here in MPM Land.
We had quite the storm Wednesday.
Mental P has no Internets.
She is not happy.
But she is reading a lot.
And taking nice walks.
She sends her regards.
She wishes everyone a nice Friday,
and hopes to find someone who can help.
Because Mental P is ludditesque.
And that is so a word.
You cannot refudiate it.


Daryl said...

I wish I could help ... glad you are okay, I was beginning to worry

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Oh those darn lightning storms.

Hopefully you'll be up and running soon.

Trisha said...

Not having internet . . . makes you return to simpler things. Sometimes a refreshing break!

mom x 2 said...

Oh no... sorry I can't help. But hopefully you'll be up and running soon... Enjoy your walks :)

Keetha said...

Doing without electrcity, whether during a summer thunderstorm or an ice storm, seems romantic. My son *loves* it. Right up until he gets bored and realizes that not only do you get to use a flashlight to bathe by because there's no light, there's also no Nickelodeon! Or Mickey Mouse Club!

Enjoy that reading, though. I won't try to refudiate that.

Three Birds Inspired said...
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Three Birds Inspired said...

"Refudiate" made me laugh!

Nurse Nancy said...

Things will get better soon.....glad you are OK. Had a day like that yesterday on the other side of town. It is hard to work without technology these days.

shrink on the couch said...

Losing the internet makes me realize how dependent I am on it -professionally and socially. But when it does happen, there's nothing to do but embrace it. Will not refudiate.

Magpie said...

Bummer. It was a hell of a storm. Sorry you got whacked.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Have Mercy!

Unknown said...

What a great excuse for copious amounts of wine. I am praying it is but a short absence for you. I know I personally start to shake and get rather snarky without internet.

Diane said...

Refudiate! Har! That caught me off guard!

Unknown said...

if you were here you could use mine. No way.. no you couldn't. This is Jill I would refuse.

I Am Woody said...

Where is that damn concierge when you need him?!?

Meg McCormick said...


Grandmother Mary said...

But what a good use of your time offline!

abb said...

I'm baaaaack!!

Suz Broughton said...

Enjoy being unplugged.

imbeingheldhostage said...

What a gorgeous photo! I LOVE lightening storms... at least I did before becoming addicted to the internet. I hope you survive the withdrawals!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Ach! I am glad all is well besides the internet. I was starting to miss you. Oh, okay, I missed you before that, but now I REALLY miss you.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

How did you post, you sneaky devil. A blogger will find a way.

Snooty Primadona said...

Yet another incredible shot. WOW.

Unknown said...

Oh my heavens. This is glorious. What a stunning shot.

Sassy said...

What a gorgeous pic........we get lots of lightening during our monsoon season......beautiful but scary!