When it comes to procrastination, I have some issues. I hate it. I have taught my children the evils of procrastination through the years, and they are fairly well aware. There are the occasional Sunday nights and mornings of angst, but all in all, things run pretty smooth around here. As far as I know. And that is fine with me.
Another thing about me is that I can sometimes talk the talk. But walk the walk? Not so much. We are going on vacation in ten days. My passport expired in October. I have known about this for five months. Passport: still not renewed. I get to spend today in the State Department offices near here. Yay.
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
3 weeks ago
unfortunately, I have developed procrastination to a fine art...
Oh, I'm the master of procrastination, no doubt. Glad I'm not alone . . .
Holy Crap - 10 days? If you can get it renewed that fast you must be part Mother Theresa. Speaking of passports, I need to get mine. Because I know there are some beaches in South America that really would like me to visit.
And procrastination? What's that? Why this morning I've always re-grouted the shower, unclogged the septic line, painted the shutters, bagged 80 bags of leaves, taken the dog to the vet, dropped kids off at school, exfoliated my whole body, and have prepared a large brisket that is now in the oven for a wonderful dinner meal.
Okay, I took the dog to the vet and took the kids to school. That's not so bad.
lol Tammy! Yes, if you have your ticket, you can get it that day. You have to go to your local State Department office, and ours is here in town. So I lucked out, and it is being mailed to me today. Some people were in there who are leaving tonight. Yikes. It made me feel much, much better about my sorry self;)
I am WAY too familiar with the art of procrastination. In some areas of life I've developed coping mechanisms to stop it, but not for most things. Grr.
Not so SHMART...
@ Mimi But I am normally so Schmaaaaart like that, no?
me so shmaaart...you shmaaarter, oui?
I'm pretty good at procrastination myself... darn it. I could have picked something else to excel at!!!
I'd like to think that procrastinating is good for me. I work GREAT under pressure. Maybe it's good for you too??
The passport thing is cuttin' it way close. I thought I was pushing it last year when I waited a month before I was to leave the country before applying. :)
you know i am going to use this against you when you tell me to do my homework now, mom
Ha ha! I am the queen of procrastination! I will probably procrastinate my death... ;)
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