Okay peeps, I've been tagged again for a meme, and this one is fun in a quirky random and different way. This is from asthmagirl, and you should check her out ASAP because she does some fun stuff in beautiful places--along with a cast of characters that include a husband, dogs and a whole passel of inhalers. Anyway, as I was saying, she sends the following rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book ( of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.
So here we go. I picked up the nearest book--
"Kerri glances over her shoulder at me. 'You look like shit.'"
Sooooo. Buddies to tag? Kacey (she tagged me last time), Annie, Jules, Lynne, and Suzanne (hope it's one of yours!). Have fun, and if you can guess the book I used, I will send you a little prize.
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
3 weeks ago
I have a passle of inhalers????
I have no idea what the book is....
lol Asthmagirl...so do I! Getting my first shot tomorrow...Doncha love the word 'passle'?
You are baaaad. I guess I might do this because you are so nice and because the Hawaii chair was hilarious and because you won at Bridge but not much, when going to Target to spend it, so MAYBE I will do this. Okay, I give up. I will.
oh my gosh. I'm out of town. Barely internet connected. I'm at my son's...he's in college...and the nearest book to me would be a really boring text book. LOL.
Now to the important questions! Did anyone cheat at bridge??? *g
LOL, that was a pretty good excerpt for that book on page 123!
I mean passel. oops.
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