Dear woman blaring your horn at me,
Please allow me to help you out with what is happening here. I am backing out of a parking space. Very slowly. There is a Hummer parked beside me. I cannot see you. When I find myself in your position, I stop and let the person back out, but then again, I am not going 40 mph IN A FULL PARKING LOT. It's just what I do. Maybe having been brought up somewhere besides a BARN has something to do with it.
Mental P Mama
PS: Maybe if you put out that cigarette and hung up the phone it would help.
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
3 weeks ago
Sorry! I was in a rush.
I can always count on you for a good laugh.
But then again, you can always have your Fried Green Tomatoes moment, scream "Towanda!" and ram her. hehe
So you don't tolerate dumb people... is that what you're saying!?
LOL asthmagirl. Ya think?
Oh..waws that you.......
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