AP photo/Alice Keeney
In the days following Michael Jackson's death, I have joked about how happy South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford must be to have the spotlight off the mess he has made of his personal life. But the reality is that the sad story remains: a married father of four sons has very publicly betrayed his family, and he seemingly wants things to continue as before. Not so fast.
How many times do philandering politicians get to make their tearful mea culpas with their beautifully turned out, albeit humiliated, wives standing by their side? It's become a national joke. Really, how stupid are these people? When you become a public official in this nation, you should understand the ramifications. And hold yourself to some basic decent standards of conduct. I know we're all human, but still.... You are charged with the public trust, and you cannot even manage your little urges? Give me a break.
This is where my new hero comes in: Jenny Sanford, the supposed spurned wife and First Lady of South Carolina. From what I've read about her, this Illinois-bred lady is no shrinking violet. In fact, it appears that she is the driving force in all of her husband's political success. Imagine that? When she found out about her husband's mistress, she understandably asked him to end it. When he stupidly asked to go visit his little girlfriend, she told him that she couldn't condone his continuing his affair. Are you kidding me? So he goes anyway. Because, hey, he's got needs. What family? What gubernatorial responsibility?
And when asked this past weekend about the future she sees, Jenny's response was beautiful: "His career is not a concern of mine, he's going to have to worry about that. I'm worried about my family and the character of my children."
Touché, Jenny. There are a lot of us out here who've got your back.
I'd be her stick girl any day...and well, yours as well...but the stick won't have to be as big.
The weather was Gah orgeous this weekend...you should have stayed just a few more days!!!
Amen! Well said!
Thank God someone is standing up for themselves. What kind of role model are these men? It just makes me sick.
I loved it when she said that. The consequenes of his actions fall directly on him... where they should.
Way to go Jenny!
Hang him out to dry...hang him out to dry...
Kudos to Jenny!
She should take his palce as governor. At least she will have the morla values required! I am behind her 100%
She knows what matters - imagine the ache in her heart for her sons - let's hope her wisdom and grace does not go unnoticed or unheeded by them.
What a woman.
That's just what I thought when I heard what she said: You go, girl. When did it become acceptable for anyone, including politicians, to behave the way he did?
I was just talking with my co-worker about this same thing. I was telling her how proud I was to hear her stand-up for herself and her kids. Screw his political career. She is one strong cookie! Makes me proud to be a woman!
What is wrong with our society? Has no one got any moral fiber anymore?
She's a stronger woman than me. I admire her.
(Ann here - I can't comment as me for whatever reason, so must comment using anonymous. Annoying it is!!)
She sure is a fine example of how not to let yourself be a doormat. Her kidlets are lucky for her side of that bargain.
I agree whole heartedly.....bless her heart....and those four young sons...hopefully they will follow her example and not his....the moral standards of our country are seriously in the toilet.....GOOD POST!!! Yes and wasn't he lucky with all the happenings in the entertainment business....he deserved to be reamed a new hole and dangit it didn't happen...
and she kicked his butt out! Out of respect for her own dignity and sense of right and wrong.
Love her! Ive so long wished for these political wives to give their cheating husbands a public what-for, and she has done just that, with class and dignity.
For a man who was all over Clinton demanding he resign .. he compares himself to King David: "King David didn't back down after his own sex scandal, he told his colleagues, and neither will I."
Cojones the size of Michelangelo's David me thinks
With a mama like that, I think Jenny's boys are going to be just fine:)
Jenny's sons are going to grow up understanding character because of their mother. She is a tremendous role model for women everywhere right now.
Why do politicians think that if they cannot control themselves no one will care? Just shows that they really don't care about their state or their constituents. They are in the job for their own egos.
How do you think Ahmadinejad feels about the spotlight being taken away from him at just the perfect time? I'm sure it was the best day of his life too. It's sickening.
Oh but wait, it gets better. Today on a radio talk show I heard someone say that this incident was not quite as bad as, say, Bill Clinton's because the Guvnah was in **love** with his mistress and Bill wasn't in love with Monica. Somehow that made it better.
Of course Someone doing the talking was a man.
I've been in the governor's wife shoes, and at the risk of losing every thing I've ever owned including property which has been in the family for fifty + years, I told him I could not live with someone who did the things he did to me, including becoming involved with not one, not two, but THREE girlfriends in the span of a two -year period.
The Governor's wife is right to kick him right where it counts: in his political caREAR.
Not only is she poised and beautiful, but well spoken to boot. And speaking of booting . . .
This is the longest post you've ever written, Mama!
I'm in total agreement and feel she reacted in a way other political wives should emulate!
MPM: I'm with you, girl. Good for her, staying abofe the fray and keeping the most important thing at the forefront.
Good for her. What a creep. This is the first I am hearing of this. Sometimes I don't know what world I live in. One without the news apparently! I will google that right now. Creep a zoid.
It was refreshing to see a wife, a woman, act in a respectable, appropriate fashion.
I couldn't agree more! I hope other political wives learn from her. She is my role model.
Take that Mrs. Clinton.
I think she shows the best grace ever, and good for her! I admire her for what she said!
Amen Sisters
that was a good line - especially the "character of my children".
Absolutely. She may be the first politician's spouse to stop the madness. Let him sink or swim on his own. That's the kind of example I'd like to see people in pubic office set for the kids.
Okay, I mean public. Was that Freudian?
I totally agree. Our society has become too complacent with things like this. I hope she walks and he drowns...... what a jerk!
Very well said and I couldn't agree more!
well, and now the story is that he had, not just this one, but many women!
GAG ME!!!!!
~Mad(elyn) in Alabama
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