Five-day forecast (Details) Tomorrow
Jun 19Showers
Jun 20T-storms
Jun 21Showers
Jun 22Showers
Jun 23Showers
...Send their regrets. But they have opted to go on a last-minute Expedia deal, and have departed for Palm Springs. Unfortunately, all I got was a soggy note.
Thats the same forecast at my house- its has been raining all night long...and it is going to rain for the next 4-5 days........oh my poor plants!
I am very tired of this vegetables are sluggish, my roses are rotting and my perrenials are suffering from mildew! Gah!
Same thing here. By the way, antts LOVE this weather, which is why I spent an hour last night spraying zillions of them and their little trails which were all around my house. Does it work? Only temporarily, as in one day.
Pretty soon it won't matter because the whole house is coming off its foundation the more rain we get (and the higher the tide is)so we'll just be one floating ark.
Wish I was on the plane with the two of them...(sigh)
......and I wish we would get is so warm here and we need it in little granddaughter has the cutest little pair of pink and white polka dot goloshes{sp} maybe Mama you could go out and buy a spiffy pair of rain boots....and go puddle splashin'
This and That are lucky to be leaving town! That's not a five day forecast you want to see in June.
Actually tomorrow is supposed to be nice as is Sunday .. its Saturday that's gonna be horrific
I "heard" the cycle will soon change. Hang ing there and no, that's NOT fair at all!
What lovely rain forecasts! You lucky dog. :) It was 97 here yesterday. Just warming up ...
It finally rained here after 29 dry days... we tied a record. I hope This n That bring back a nice tan!
And in July, after 25 days of 90 plus temps and no rain, brown grass, dying gardens and swimming pools with evaporating water, we'll all wonder why we complained.
we're certainly used to rain rain and more rain here, but it does get you down when its supposed to be summer!
That's all we've had the past week.
Garden looks like H-e-double hockey sticks but my skin is soft and dewy.
We haven't had a stitch of rain here which is a good thing since we're on vacation! However, back home there have been severe thunderstorm warnings almost daily. I don't even want to think about what my back yard looks like right now.
Palm Springs? No matter the weather....I'm jealous because I have kin and friends there! WAAAAA!
We just got back from vacation to the East coast, and went through a lot of rain, but the sun shined when we needed it, and had so much fun!
It's not raining here in Omaha, and I don't think it is raining at home, but I did hear that a terrible hail storm went through when we were gone, and hit a lot of the crops. I hope the farmers will get some of their crops out of the field.
I am so sggy. I hate it. I want to go away from the rain. Boo Hooooo
I hope you at least get a t-shirt!
When I win Suz Broughton's contest today, would you like to fly to Palm Springs with me?? Maybe she'll take us to Disney!!!
Definitely a good time for hanging out inside!
My garden is loving this! Want some veggies?
Rain, rain, go away.
Come again another day...
That looks similar to the forecast in my area. Sigh.
Me and CBW must be on same wave length. My foundation is cracking and I a zillion teeny ants. It's a battle that cannot be won. They are like Chinese soldiers.
So sorry you have rain...Our sun came out today and I think my shoes were melting on the pavement.
I love this rain. It is washing away all the stresses of the year. Bring on the summer : ).
I'll trade you the rain for 96 degrees! Whew, it is hot outside.
It's been raining a lot here too. I was beginning to think I had somehow been transplanted to the Northwest..... but alas, the sun is finally shining today. It's just hard to see it through the haze. :)
wishing you lots of sunny days !
I will trade sun shiny hot kill me days for rain.
I woke up at 12:38 this morning, with the bed soakin' wet on my side from the damned heat. Pale Rider woke up about 3 and asked why I was on the couch...I explained. He said come back to bed. I asked if my side was dry. Uhmm, no. Then he felt sorry for me, brought me a cool rag and went back to bed.
BTW, we keep the house rather cool. I just exude heat and it is exasperated by the heat outside my house. Gee, 5:04 p.m. as I write this and it is STILL 94 degrees outside.
CALGON! Take me away.......
Yup, sounds about right. I spoke to God this morning...he is sending an Ark. Don't panic.
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