Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Slow News Day...

So, the pregnant dude had another baby today. 
 A boy.  
And the news reports it was a "natural delivery." 
 I am going to need the details of that.  gah


Mary said...



Starwoodgal said...



Deb said...

Oiy...I will pass on that...

Sally's World said...

OMG...what the **** is this, where have I been...and how can it be natural? i's so confused right now!!!!

mom x 2 said...

ewww, no details for me.

tj said...

...Inquiring minds wanna know - will he breastfeed? ;o)


Mango Girl said...

Good lawdy...I hate when I have a gazillion things to do...look what I missed!

This is TRULY disturbing. Hmphh.

On a different note...one of your prizes is on the way ~ see my post for a babble about all the fun and festivities!

Underarm hair when you give birth, along with a beard? I must be old fashioned...I may have CREEPY dreams tonight!

Anonymous said...

As NSLO would have said TMI!!
Me, I just say YUCK.....but...

Ellen said...

Okay, that made me laugh. Alot.

noble pig said...

I am so confused.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I don't get why they keep saying "man" when clearly it is a woman. Woman plumbing, woman person.

Gin said...

I so don't want that mental picture!

Life begins at 50 said...

From the sublime to the rediculous!

T said...

That whole family is going to have some serious therapy bills!

Karen Deborah said...

uh uh so this guy is a chick right? sick sick sick.

Unknown said...

Poor kids.

That Janie Girl said...

Lord help us....

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Thank you. Really.

I don't feel half as crazy or weird as I normally do.

Country Girl said...

There is


natural about this!

Susan English Mason said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susan English Mason said...

Sorry, MP, I had to re-comment because everyone would have known the truth that I can't type or spell.

I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around this dude having kids. Gah and double gah.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

Hey Hott Mama!
Well this one was interstingly gross enough...
♥Emjae :)

Nurse Nancy said...

I don't even want to contemplate those details...but feel free to share.

Daryl said...


Sassy said...

What in the stinkin' crap is this world coming to? I am a woman and couldn't even have a natural delivery....makes me feel like crap when a man can pull it off and I couldn't....he should of had to have a c-section like me except without pain killers...

Grace said...

Excuse me, but this is not a dude. It is a woman, who has surgery etc. to make her LOOK like a man. Her insides are pure woman. Sick sick doctors that would allow this.

Grace said...

And poor poor children that are born to this sick couple!

imom said...

Gah is right!!

Debbie said...

I so needed this after the mosaic.