Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Condo Contemplations

  • We have had over a week in our new digs.
  • I still feel like we are living in a doll's house.
  • I imagine it will feel smaller when The Bird and Augie get home for the summer.
  • It is really quiet here in "the country."
  • "The country" is less than 10 miles from our previous home.
  • Dora encountered her first herd of deer this morning on our walk.
  • I have a few things for the concierge to address.
  • We have some interesting neighbors here.
  • We have installed our ficus tree on one end of our deck as screening.
  • Squazz and I have to share a closet now.
  • I told him this morning that he should contemplate donating some more of his things.
  • Dora is considering writing her own post.
  • I love having a concierge.
  • I wonder when the euphoria will wear off...
How are things in your world today?


Sassy said...

It sounds like heaven....I am happy for you my friend....strange neighbors seem to be everywhere....too bad about that...sic the conscierge {sp} on them...{never had one so never had to learn how to spell that one I guess hahahahah}

I Am Woody said...

I need a concierge. And a maid. And a cook. And personal assistant.......

Tammy said...

Does "interesting" mean "screamer"? :P

Hopefully the euphoria will never wear off! I still feel euphoric about my house and we've been here 2.5 years!

Nurse Nancy said...

The euphoria will end when the Bird and Augie come home with all their stuff for the summer....just remember it is temporary. Enjoy the quiet country life....Hope had a deer encounter this morning as well.

Trisha said...

Your new digs sound great! How did Dora react to the deer? Hopefully, she didn't try to tear your arm out of socket chasing them like some dogs I know!

I think Dora should have her own post. IT would be interesting to hear about the condo from her perspective.

Unknown said...

You gave The Bird and Augie your new address?

I hope one of your items for the concierge is treats for The Dora, and a better job of scooping the poop.

The only thing my concierge (really maintenance man) does is come get my trash three days a week. I wish he would reconsider ironing.

Oh, and when my husband and I downsized and only had one closet, we built him a clothing rack in the garage. I thought it was rather cute.

I'm hoping for something to nest in your ficus!

Keetha said...

If I were you, I'd drop "my concierge" into pretty much every conversation.

I'd love to hear more about these neighbors, the neighbors who require screening ficus trees.

Daryl said...

Cant wait to see the new digs ... I hope Dora does write a post she is a very smart puppy.

In our world we had very little sleep because MrNoNameYet came out of his 'rug tunnel' to investigate, and the normally sweet Rose was all hissy/growly but he kept investigating and all the while he 'talked' I swear it sounded like hellllooohelphellloohelp ..

I need sleep.

My iMac will be delivered today... I need sleep .. but the kitty is eating, drinking, using the litter box and exploring ... did I mention he did all his exploring at like 3 ayem?

abb said...

We MISS you! It's so weird not being able to just pop in...

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

We dont have a concierge but we do have a town crier!
Cant wait to see your new place. You did invite me over right?

Decadent Housewife said...

Yeah! for reports from field dog Dora.

Magpie said...

there is something vacation-like about a new house. enjoy!

Karen Deborah said...

Do you miss your old place? Are you starting to feel at home? Let's hear a list of pro's and cons. sharing a closet? How about buying a wardrobe? My hunny and I are really good at stretching space in closets with organizers--the ones he makes. But you can get a lot more into one if it isn't just one straight pole across and one shelf.

Snooty Primadona said...

I'd love to know what you mean by interesting neighbors...


Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Well, if Squazz doesn't donate his excess clothes, perhaps you could hang them on the clothes line you string up from that ficus tree across the rest of the deck, to provide an even better screen from those interesting neighbors.

Tell Dora that herds of deer beat herds of fiddler crabs, however I would love to hear her perspective.

foolery said...

"Interesting" is the word people have always used to describe me. Should I have been offended for the past 44 years? Tell us just what "interesting" means, please!

Country Girl said...

I can't wait to see your new place! Do I have to bring my tent to sleep in?

Hilary said...

Sounds like you're settling in nicely.

K said...

I love how in a city setting, something which is 10 miles away can be considered rural. Heh. I am so used to having to drive 30 minutes or more to get across a metro area that when I was home to visit being at the other side of town in less than 5 minutes felt entirely too strange. But you're it's quiet!

I too am interested in neighbors that REQUIRE a privacy screen, hah! Is it because they're always looking or because they're always showing? :-O

Matty said...

I love the "country" part of this. And I could use a concierge of my own. Glad that you like the new pad.

Debbie said...

Laughing...Grandma J. and agree with Nurse Nancy. Geesh, can't come up with a comment of my own? Steal from others? I know you'll enjoy this for a long time :)

A concierge? Dang....

Suz Broughton said...

Can't wait to read post about neighbors. Maybe Dora can write it.