Monday, April 26, 2010

Tuesday Text: Parentexting™

Mother/Daughter Streams-of-Consciousness:

Wherein The Bird is looking for any possible distraction.
Is that what all the drama was about?
And who told her she could say GAH?
You'd think she was an Aquarius the way she switches from subject to subject.
I wouldn't know anything about that.
So now you're supposed to send healthy care packages?
A 'variety of food groups and textures'?
Who the heck is she?
Giada De Laurentiis?


Laura ~Peach~ said...

GAH!!!!!!!! LMAO... Trade you.. I swear... DOUBLE GAH.

Nurse Nancy said...

Love it....a vision of my future. I found these awesome chips in NC. Tortilla chips made from black beans and rice. Sooooo good. Made by a company called Plocky's. Maybe you can find them in Whole Foods?

Unknown said...

HA!! When are finals? I say send a variety of healthy trail mix. My daughter could live on Ramen when she was in college.

Now I want to see Doubt in a theatre!

I Am Woody said...

At least she's honest. Broke and too lazy to shop:)

Linda said...

I guess when you fix the healthy pack of food, you could fix a lot of them and send them on to your blogging friends!

It's good she keeps in touch with you.

imbeingheldhostage said...

Forget about the care package, I was already giggling at how you mention "I'm at a play and will call you later" but the questions still kept coming.

Healthy and variety of textures. Get on that Mama.

Diane said...

A variety of healthy textures. She's been watching food network!

I'd send nuts, dried fruits and those yummy veggie chips.

Trisha said...

Such "interesting" conversations you have! My mom and I sometimes have conversations - via Instant Messaging - which sound shockingly similar. Well, except for the healthy care package train of thought.

Daryl said...

When she says suberdoo and/or Ga'bless you will know your work is done.

Snooty Primadona said...

I just had to laugh at the last part. When our daughter was a freshman she was living in luxury private dorms w/ a chef & told me the same thing. I told her I'd be right there to take her out for a decent meal. When I saw her dining room at Hardin House I was ready to strangle her. They had a divine array of foods. She wanted fast food. Ugh. Gah.

Debbie said...

And WHO raised this young woman may I ask? This was hilarious and I'm happy all Aquarians do this hahaha.

She's so adorable and I know YOU! You'll have that package in the mail pronto :)

Debbie said...

Not that she's an Aquarian...that WE do this :) Put a hug from me in that package will ya?

Country Girl said...

This really is hilarious, though. And yeah, the grocery store is a pain to get to. She'd have to find someone with a car or lug it on the bus. And the little grocery store they have on the corner doesn't have much but it costs a fortune.
We need to go down there!!!!!

Deb said...

I am just so relieved that I don't have to be responsible for sending a healthy care package chocked full of "textures". WTH???

Too funny...

Keetha said...

Love it. That girl is something. I love the request and suggestions for a care package. If I were you, I'd have to send some Snickers bars and Doritos, just because.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Yep she's got you wrapped!

Hilary said...

Are you two related to Lady Gah Gha? ;)

Sassy said...

So funny...I was laughing.....I think you might be two peas in a these posts....

abb said...

Get busy, Mama! You have textures to find!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

COUNTRY GIRL IS ONTO SOMETHING. A road trip to C-ville would be incredible. I've been around those grounds a time or two, even recall a few chinese fire drills occurring on Rte 29, but that's for another time. She's right about the darn grocery stores being a pain to get to.

Too funny, Miss MPM. Love these Tuesday textures. I mean texts.

Tammy said...

Hahahaha! I love it.

Anonymous said...

I am sending care package Before exams too. Granola bars, cookies and lb cake. Can't say that it is healthy though. Maybe I will slip in an apple!!!!

And what is it that the meal plan money runs out the last week of school??? The schools just want you to put more in so it doesn't get used and they get to keep it!!

Good luck to Bird & Augie on exams!