Monday, May 10, 2010



Tammy said...

I'd love to be firing off great ideas today!! I just don't have the mental capacity... What mine says is Children play an important role in your life today... Uhhh, how is that different than any other day, hahaha!

Trisha said...

I just caught up on a couple days . . . those owls in England are truly heroes! Also, the people who obviously encourage the nesting of the owls. . .

Keetha said...

I can't wait to read about all these great ideas you're having!

I Am Woody said...

Apparently I'm supposed to be a bundle of energy today. Better get out of my pjs=)

Decadent Housewife said...

How reassuring - "Life speeds up later on."

abb said...

Uh oh! Better go to Staples and stock up on paper!

Daryl said...

Didnt your mom ever tell you not to play with matches?

Nurse Nancy said...

An idea could be as simple as finding a new brand of Chardonnay...

Flea said...

Later on today? This week? This year?

Snooty Primadona said...

Mine said to go to the doctor again... I just went!

Egghead said...

Well you better speed up with that shower or life just might jerk you out before you are ready.

Country Girl said...

I have no great ideas but am glad to hear that someone does today.

Debbie said...

Now the day is almost over...I don't recall having any great ideas.

Oh, I forgot...I did decide to take a nap :)

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Do you have any spare mental energy, I'm running low on that on top of being Vitamin D deficient.