Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday Text: Parentexting™

My italian-speaking scholar:
Molto bene!


Laura~peach~ said...

too cute!!!!

Tammy said...

Hahaha! Love it.

Unknown said...

If anyone deserves an A, it's The Bird!

Sally said...

How funny! :)

I Am Woody said...

Love it!

KCSherri said...

OMG, too funny!

In Guatemala on a mission trip, I was trying to compliment a village woman on how fat her pig was - she was very proud of this pig and wanted to show it off to us. I guess I called her a fat pig instead. Oops. Lost in translation, they say!

LL Cool Joe said...

Ha ha, good one! :D

Daryl said...

when I was in college I was sick and missed a test Prof gave me a make up exam and the topic was Charles II .. I knew zip about him but oodles about Chuck Uno so I pretended I misunderstood. when I got the paper back the Prof gave me an A- and wrote 'next time, answer the question asked' ..

Keetha said...

That is so cute.

Grandmother Mary said...

Where would I even begin about the mistakes made in Italian! Your daughters is not a bad one. My most egregious one though can't be specified on a family blog but you might guess it if you knew that anno is year and ano is anus! Speaking a new language can be embarrassing!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Handsome is great. I see no mistake at all.

A+ !

Debbie said...

Bird is subconsciously thinking of hot Italian men...so like her Mom :)

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

She's a genius!