Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Earth Day Cometh

If heaven had given me choice of my position & calling, it should've been as a gardener-
Thomas Jefferson 8.20.1811

*Photo of Monticello stolen borrowed from Mr. Jefferson's Twitter.


Sally said...

Good morning, mama! Love that quote and the tulip; my very favorite. :)

Have a wonderful day!

Jamie said...

I concur with Jefferson... was planning on planting trees at my parents' house with my kiddos this Friday, now we're thinking of starting a "fund" to buy trees to plant in Deltaville when we can instead... Perhaps we'll pick up trash and cash in the cans... I'm rambling.

Unknown said...

You would have been the best gardener, and Texas would have an abundance of bluebonnets. Amen

Tammy said...

Love it!!

Reena said...

Yes, yes, yes ... and my world would be filled with hostas, flox and lilac bushes!

abb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
abb said...

"There is always music amongst the trees in the garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it."
~Minnie Aumonier

(Miss you!)

Keetha said...

Love that. Thanks for sharing!

We hope to be planting our garden next weekend.

Hilary said...

Nice perspective there. And a fine quote to match.

Diane said...

Gardening is an art. One that I can appreciate!

Grandmother Mary said...

My balcony is all planted and the herbs and flowers are thriving! Love this time of year.

Daryl said...

First learn which is a baby sprout, which is a weed .. gardening is the most relaxing rewarding therapy I know.

Deb said...

Love the TJ!

Country Girl said...

I want to go there and take a picture like this with the house as bokeh.

Sounds like a plan that may have to wait until Fall, though - when the Bird goes back.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Loves me some TJ. His house is a work of art. Arts and sciences, actually.

Kathleen... said...

Oh, amen!! =)

Debbie said...

Wise man that Jefferson...wonder who our kids going to quote?