Pink is certainly his color. :-)
Her DRIVING TIARA? For real? Oh yeah - college will be GREAT.
Man I want a driving tiara. I NEED one. No, really!
Hey, I need a driving tiara! I soooowant a driving tiara. I'm going to the party shop tomorrow to get one.
you know....I'm also kinda liking this idea of a driving tiara....I do believe a trend has officially begun! I'm off to the party shop as well! Where DID Birdy get hers??
LOL--She got it at Disneyworld! She always wears it when she drives. That's my girl!
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Pink is certainly his color. :-)
Her DRIVING TIARA? For real? Oh yeah - college will be GREAT.
Man I want a driving tiara. I NEED one. No, really!
Hey, I need a driving tiara! I soooowant a driving tiara. I'm going to the party shop tomorrow to get one.
you know....I'm also kinda liking this idea of a driving tiara....I do believe a trend has officially begun! I'm off to the party shop as well! Where DID Birdy get hers??
LOL--She got it at Disneyworld! She always wears it when she drives. That's my girl!
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