Flea asked all her readers about their favorite songs, and I could think of none other than Petula Clark's Downtown. I have a vivid memory of sitting beside my mother's stereo credenza (remember those things???), practicing tying my keds, and listening to this song. It makes me smile inside and out. And when she came home, and I demonstrated my bow-tying proficiency, my beautiful mother sat back on the sofa and clapped her hands. The next day, she brought me a "Hi, Heidi!" doll. It came in a little red carrying case and had three outfits! I'll never forget that. Do you have a theme song?
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
2 weeks ago
That is a great song! What's even more great is the woman's name is PETULA. I mean, what were her parents thinking? Petula sounds like something my veterinarian would charge me $200 to remove from my dog. But that's just me.
I don't think my theme song has been written yet. It would be difficult to write a crative tune a crazy, winemaking family with kidney stones and gallbladder problems!
Tammy--I think Petula is a flower...always blooming no matter what...
Noble--I think your song is already written:))
gosh darn, I haven't heard that song in forever! Had to listen to it! Thanks.
Hm, must think on my theme song...
What wonderful memories! I'm so sorry you didn't win. :( And Brown Eyed Gal is wrong - Petula is a lovely name! Oh, who am I kidding? It DOES sound rather like a character from a Flannery O'Connor story.
And Noble Pig - you don't seem to need a theme song. I think there are entire movies and text books written just for you. :)
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