Monday, August 23, 2010

Looking Forward to Tomorrow....

Monday, Aug 23, 2010
This is a calm, balanced, rather quiet time. You keep to yourself pretty much and can get some practical chores accomplished.

Tuesday, Aug 24, 2010
Giving and receiving appreciation, love, and happiness come into your life now. You are moved to express your affections more openly than usual. You also want to be surrounded with beauty and harmonious people, and your artistic efforts flourish.

Wednesday, Aug 25, 2010
You may find something you believed to be lost or irretrievable. Things that have been forgotten or hidden come to the surface. Old issues in your personal relationships arise once again also.

Thursday, Aug 26, 2010
You are in an independent or defiant mood, and you chafe at routine and formalities. However, if you have a great deal of freedom and flexibility in your life at present, you will be in a wild mood and might decide to change your plans for the day quite suddenly and spontaneously. This may upset people who were counting on you more than it bothers you at the moment.

Friday, Aug 27, 2010
This is a time for getting a little loose and wild with friends, going dancing, or doing something out of the ordinary that is stimulating and fun. You meet interesting new people and are more open to people who are quite different from yourself. An opportunity for a romance may arise which is likely to be exciting, though short-lived.

My empty nest needs some shaking up....and some of these days might just be the medicine...oh, and you may want to avoid me on Thursday. Apparently I just don't care. What does your week look like?


Daryl said...

I am chafing on Thursday too .. maybe we should get one of those salt massages and get rid of all that chafe ..

Nancy said...

I like the Friday and going dancing part.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I'll let you know ;)

Karen Deborah said...

So far it's cleaning up the cat box and picking up the dog poop and cleaning toilets.....

I Am Woody said...

Need company for Friday?

Debbie said...

Looking forward to this and that Thursday...should be a hoot. My week is the same as yours. After David leaves Wednesday...same old thing.

I'll get the goat and come on up for Friday LOL

Country Girl said...

I have no idea how my week looks. The link isn't working for me, but that's no problem. I just hope it doesn't go from bad to worse. I can't handle the pressure!

Carol said...

Woo hoo, wild woman on Thursday. I hope it doesn't hit this Aquarian like that as I will be held captive in a Concord Holiday with a bunch of bosses trying to learn new stuff. Looks like I could turn into the lounge act afterwards if I give into my Aquarian self. (I noticed that Byron Katie will be in Lenox, MA--have you ever been to Kripalu center there?)

Snooty Primadona said...
