Wednesday, August 11, 2010

This-n-That Thursday

Drivel. Plain and simple...
  • I bought a new memory card last week. Took pictures for 4 days with it. And? Nada.
  • I totally understand that Jet Blue Flight Attendant. Where has common courtesy gone?
  • And sweat bees. Where have they gone? Anybody seen a sweat bee lately?
  • Dora's BFF in the park is a little frog. Not. Kidding.
  • I am on a huge Fage yogurt kick. Cannot get enough of the stuff.
  • By next weekend, both of my babies will have yet again flown the coop.
  • And it's okay... because I have something to look forward to....
  • And I can stop being on a first-name basis with all the kind folks at the grocery store.
  • I wish I could wiggle my nose and have my whole office area cleaned up and ready to go.
  • There is a new store in New York...and it's full of Pop Tarts. Heaven.
  • Just noticing some very poorly constructed sentences above...kinda like this one.
  • Like those that end in prepositions?
  • And those that aren't even sentences at all?
  • I wonder what my old grammar teacher Mrs. Waterfield would say?
  • I wonder where she's at...
Happy Thursday. Got any drivel?


I Am Woody said...

I got a new memory card last week too. It has caused me to take WAY too many photos!

Matty said...

I'm having issues with my digital camera too. But it has something to do with the batteries. They keep dying on a full charge. Not sure what the problem is.

It's soon that time of year again. The kids are gone.

Love that idea about pop tarts. Who would have thought. I've been eating pop tarts for many years.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Your sentences are just fine, your teacher would be proud.

Never heard of Fage yogurt. If you hadn't said yogurt I would have thunk it was an abbreviation for some sort of special Facebook page.

Oh, and the answer to that question is yes. Loaded. To the gills.

imbeingheldhostage said...

I do entire posts in incomplete sentences, what are you saying? Should they go out with the slip????

I'm lost-- never heard of Fage (I thought it was FB as well) yogurt, have no idea why the flight attendant is right, going to read back and see what's up with the memory card and I will gladly meet you at the pop tart store! Yum. My English teacher just rolled over in his grave...

Debbie said...

Sushi pop tarts? Eeeew until I read there was no fish involved. I like them toasted :)

The "at" drives me nuts!

Dora with a frog and you with an owl.

I have a fake monkey. Geez Louise....

Daryl said...

Amazing. This morning as I walked toward the office this new brightly painted sign with the Statue of Liberty on it caught my eye.. POP something (now I know its Pop Tarts!) but couldnt make it out and was too lazy to go all the way to 6th Ave to find out .. I guess I need to get out there and get a photo ...

When you say Nada did you mean no pix on the card or nothing good (because you always say you got nothing and then I see all these great shots you took!)

Check to see if the card is in correctly ... just sayin'

Daryl said...

Oh and the Fage yogurt .. awesome .. did you have the one with honey?????

winetipper said...

I got and did chuckle over the 'where she's at' bit. It wasn't in vain.

What's a sweat bee?

abb said...
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abb said...

at??? You end a sentence with at??? Oh dear...

Fage makes the BEST ice cream! I'll have to ask Remy to send you the recipe.

Trisha said...

Drivel is pretty much all I have at any given time! Sentence structure has flown out the window with my blog. Of course, I remember one of my teachers saying that if you are a writer, you can ignore sentence structure in your pursuit of creativity. That is what we do, isn't it?

Meg McCormick said...

I love that Greek-style yogurt too. I usually add a tad of Splenda and some fruit, with a little bit of toasted wheat germ for crunch.

I'm with you on the sweat bees. Used to be a peril of outdoor play in the '70s and '80s. Now, it's the evil virus-carryin' skeeters.

Keetha said...

I love drivel. All about the drivel.

I've never heard of Fage yogurt. It is all that? I've been thinking of making my own. Just thinking about it, though.

Snooty Primadona said...

I just love This 'n That Thursdays!

mom x 2 said...

Drivel I have. lots of it.

I just saw Fage yogurt at the grocery store yesterday. Never heard of it before now. but might have to try it.

CG leaves in a week. Gah!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Ending your sentences with at is a Southern thing. I do it all the time. My camera has one of those cards but I dont know how to use it. I dont even know where its at!

T said...

Must be the week for memory cards!

RiverPoet said...

If you figure out the nose-wiggling thing, let me know how you did it. :-)

Peace - D