Saturday, August 7, 2010

Molly the Owl, Part Deux

We have a new owlet this morning. Meet Ashley. Suddenly, the dog days of summer don't loom so long....Now if only we can get a puppycam up when winter hits, life will be really good.

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Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

You said "winter." NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Rural Rambler said...

Oh man we have been having terrible withdrawal from our two eaglets that fledged and left the nest in Californina. I will have to show this to CH. This is great!

Daryl said...

Good stuff .. and no messy cage to clean

Patty said...

Shame the little owlet didn't have a sister or brother to keep it company.

I agree with the article you wrote about having women friends. But sorry to say, my sister passed away some time ago, then I lost two dear friends, and they were younger than me. One died before my sister did, and the other about two years ago. If it hadn't been for those three, and my being able to talk with at least one of them every day, I don't know how I would have gotten through the last pregnancy. Our kids were 17,16,15 and 11 and I was not a happy camper. LOL

he surprise package is now 37 years old and she and her 10 year old daughter are living with us at the moment. I take her to school and pick her up each day. Her Mom works full time and is taking classes to become an RN.

Hope your week end has been great so far. Thanks for your visits.

Snooty Primadona said...

You KNOW this is what I had planned for the gray fox family until the torrential rains ran them off. Thanks for giving me something to entertain me while I worry about my foxes. WAAAAAH!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I just saw the babies!!!!