I received a wonderful gift in the mail recently...
I love Mary's fun charms.
And after ordering some of her trinkets for my good friends, she sent me my own.
I wear it a lot.
I wore it to a party last weekend.
It was a really, really fun party.
And at one point, as I was explaining the name to an acquaintance,
her husband chimed in and said he thought it said Mental Patient.
In his defense, it was dark....
Maybe he thought I had a pass for the night.
But then I started thinking.
What if there were medic-alert bracelets for this kind of stuff?
So that, along with your regular penicillin and bee sting bracelet,
you could also have them for things like "Low Estrogen" or
"Does Not Suffer Fools Gladly."
Ahhhh. The possibilities.
I think Mary and I need to have a chat.
I smell a business opportunity.
What would you like an alert bracelet to say?
Very stylish, Ma'am! Love it a lot. Guess I should wear a penicillin bracelet but I don't. I would if they were this cute!
I wear mine a lot as well....THANK YOU! If I ordered a "warning" bracelet, it would say, "Resuscitate With Wine"!!
I'd like mine to read "Mentally Unstable and Carries a Big Knife"
Fashionista .. yup ... that's it FASHIONISTA
I wore the Shanty one yesterday and had so many people ask me about it!
Hmmmmm...I would like "Goes Postal When Trapped." I hate confined spaces.
I love mine.
Alert bracelet should read Perimenopausal: Dial Wine One One.
I don't know what I'd have written on one but I love it here because there are some wine lovin' funny women here! I do have a piece of hand stamped jewelry that I ordered from Chantelle Nicole in early Spring that says "Follow Your Bliss". I wear it every dang day! I am off to check your link for Mary's :) Oh, I'd like mine to say "Befuddled But Happy".
"Contentedly drifting through life" is mine. Checkered's would be, "Embracing the H in ADHD"
Then we would need one that says, "How could two opposites be so happy together?"
That is a genuis of an idea.
Mary's the best.
I want one that says "Cranky Feminist". Today anyway. "Does Not Suffer Fools Gladly" is good too.
Very clever idea!
I love the "does not suffer fools gladly"!
Maybe mine should say "scent free zone" or "barely functional"... Or "Brute Squad Mama"?
Overweight, overwhelmed and underworked. That fits me, sad to say.
Let's see...
Slightly Psychotic
That works!
I love those charms!
Mental Patient is perfect for me too.
I'm going to buy some eventually, for "The Shed" "The Lake". I love them. I need to identify stuff. Everyone who knows me, knows I'm mental.
Puts the FUN in dysfunctional.
Now THAT is an AWESOME idea. Love it. What might mine be? Endlessly in need of directions. And chardonnay.
I'm off to order these! I love this idea!! Let's see.."Just add lime" is a good one!
LOL. I love that you wear Mental Patient tags :-)
I do likey them very much.
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