I have to admit that I was a non-believer when the Swine Flu hit this past Spring. But now? I'm starting to think about it. I think what has piqued my interest the most is the emails and letters from both of my children's schools describing the measures they are going to take to keep our students safe. I didn't understand why it was all about kids instead of the elderly who are the typical victims every flu season, and then I asked a pathologist last week who gave me my answer:
Anyone who was born after 1977 is at a very great risk because that was the last year we had the Swine Flu. Those alive at that time may well have been exposed and will have developed some immunity. Yikes. Now all those children are settled into their germ growing petri dishes dorms, should I be worried?
I have been blessed with healthy and hearty children, but I understand that it may not necessarily be a guarantee that they do not contract a severe case. I have never been one to panic, but I find myself thinking about this nasty virus a lot. Should I worry? Are you worried?
Well, I wasn't the slightest bit worried until I read this! Is it true that the flu vaccine won't be ready until Nov 1? My asthmatic child missed 20 days of school last year. School starts next week and I am pretty sure he's going in a bubble suit with full head gear.
I would remind them to eat a healthy diet full of vitamins and to wash their hands constantly...maybe send them lots of hand sanitizer in large and small containers so they can put one in their book bag...and obviously to stay away from people who are knowingly sick or sickly. Other than that...let them be college students.
I am not sure if I should be worried or not; I wonder how much the media is making this worse than it is.
I do worry about Pitcher at College; so many people from so many different areas bringing lord knows what invisible creatures with them...
Hmmm...I am cautiously panicked. Does that make sense? When I sit and think about it, yes, I am really worried. However, I try to remember that many things are blown out of proportion and this may be one of them. As my husband says (he is NOT a worrier), "Don't worry about something that has not happened yet." It truly is a waste of time and energy.
Now if only I could take me own advise ;0)
I'd be much more worried about them getting strep throat and/or a staph infection. Both of those can easily get out of control. And the outcome ain't pretty.
And I'm with 9 acres' hubby - don't worry about something that hasn't happened yet. Take precautions and don't worry so much.
Gee I wasn't.. thanks a lot!
Kids might be more inclined to get Swine Flu according to what the pathologist said, but our teens are young, strong, probably healthy and will more than likely fight it off far easier than most other age groups.
NSLO's school is offering both flu shot free. YES...she will be ordered by me to receive both. Then when she gets sick from the shots, she can blame me.
Worrying wont do any good. Proactive measures will. Washing hands alot, making sure not to cough or sneeze w/o covering mouth/nose with ARM/Sleeve NOT hand unless you wash it ASAP
And if a kid feels tired or achy or has one of those coughs that lingers, see a doctor, get rest and do not go to class and contaminate others.
This has been a public service comment.............
I guess you can say I am moderately concerned abut this new virus and the effects on our young.
Just after the college students went back to school, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported 100 cases of H1N1 reported at Georgia Tech. As if the story never appeared, it disappeared from print, radio and tv.
Do I find this very perplexing? Did they overeact?
I've been pushing green tea soaked goji berries. They are going nearly mad with their newly minted hippie momma.
Frankly, smallpox and it's supposed demise scares me more.
I keep hearing about the contingency plans in place from our county's school district - more so than from the other jurisdictions in the DC area. So why is OUR school the one being quoted??
A guy at one of my clients has come down with it. Fortunately, he was away for the 2 weeks prior to discovering he had it, so the chance he's spread it throughout this office is remote. Still, we are wrestling with how to alert employees without causing a panic. Thus is the exciting life of an HR consultant.
I think everyone just needs to take precautions. Keep your hands clean; cover your mouth/nose when coughing or sneezing; and staying home when you are sick so you don't spread germs.
I've gone back and forth with the worries, and finally came to the conclusion that it's out of our control.
I'm not sure if this is media sensationalism to take the American mind of something else, if it's propaganda of some sort, or if it's very real.
The CDC has been predicting some sort of epidemic for the past several years, and it's as if they're just waiting. They thought it would be bird flu, and then what was the thing spread by mosquitoes? I forget. Anyway, we're onto the next theory.
I get that it's bad, and has hit quite a few, but doesn't flu kill people each year?
I'm not sure what to think. I work at a University, handle all that dirty money and such, my immune system is low and I'm exposed to all these kidlets daily, so my first reaction was fear. Now I'm moving toward the fact that maybe there's been too much scare prep.
Didn't schools close for flu stuff last year as well? I know it wasn't swine flu, but I think maybe the media over-sensitizes us.
I always worry about my children...there is so much garbage in this world....I agree with Living on the Spit...just remind them to eat healthy and have hand sanitizer available....and pray......
Nah, I don't believe it. I still think it's a scam. And I'm not a conspiracy theorist...
I hate to see you worry, but I think your babies will be fine. The healthy human body is great at healing,and the key is to take the same precautions we normally take. Most people who get it, survive it all by themselves.
Are you out of wine?
I 'm not so worried about them getting the swine flu, I'm more apprehensive about them getting the shot. Do they know the long term, if any , side effects?
I didn't start worrying until they headed back to school either. When they got back after the first day they both had letters about the precautions the school was taking. Also from what I could gather from them a good portion of their first day was spent going over the matter and how they should sneeze into their arms, hand sanitizer, washing hands, etc. Yikes.
The world has always been a dangerous place...people have been dying forever...and the media would have you believe it's even more dangerous than it is. It's so dangerous, we had 152,271,417 people in the U.S. in 1950 and 303,824,640 as July of this year. See your children well and happy, and go get them if they get sick. And if you must worry, be sure and cover all the basis. There is so much more out there than just swine flu you can keep yourself up at night with, including reactions to the flu vaccine. But better than than, think about good things, relax, have several drinks, get the giggles, and don't drive.
Just tel them to wash wash wash. Get the shots when the become available. Thats about all any of us can do other than maybe high tailing it to Mathews and taking over CBW's house!
I agree with Daryl! They key is wash, wash, wash!
No, not worried. If they are otherwise healthy - they'll get over it if they catch it. We can only hope those who catch it stay home and do not venture out amongst the rest of us.
I worry about my parents and MIL who have heart issues, high blood pressure, asthma and other issues. The MIL is a Leukemia survivor in weakened condition. If they catch it - they could die.
I also worry about my small nieces and nephews who are ages 3 and under. They all go to daycare (aka germ factories).
I hope I don't get it. Last time I had the flu - 1997 - sick for over 2 weeks during Christmas holiday.
Still reading the blog all the way in Tennessee, Mental Mama!
Well, swine flu has already hit Vanderbilt...they're chucking Purell at us left and right, so I'm not too worried, ha. Any known cases have been whisked out of the dorms too.
Anyway, as with most large universities, since we have a giant hospital and medical center on campus, I think we're good down here in Nashville!
I am worried about my youngest who has asthma, this flu could be devastating for him. I believe vaccinations aren't available untl October...we will be in line.
Sorry Dayrl! I worry... I wash too!
But really, we got notices at work yesterday via the County who reminded us of WHO should be getting the H1N1 shot this year. I guess I'll be getting two flu shots.
I think the prevention methods (vitamins, hand washing, etc.) plus going to the doctor at the first sign of flu-like-symptoms (or soon thereafter) will probably be the best bet.
That said, both my husband's work and mine have H1N1 procedures in place.
Can't say it enough: wash, wash, wash.
One thing we all have to remember is this - the "regular" flu kills people every year. This flu is basically just "weird" in that it is out in the non-typical flu season. And remember - when "regular" flu season hits, the majority of us have been vaccinated. This came about with no vaccination. The regular flu would be about the same if there were no vaccine.
So far it is pretty easily treated, and doesn't seem any worse than typical flu.
Yes, I'm worried. Phil and I were discussing it tonight and I told him if we don't change our diet we're going to get it. We used to eat an alkaline diet and we NEVER got sick. Now it's sugar this and sugar that. Oh my.
no more worried than with regular flu... wash wash wash
I'm always a bit more worried for my kiddos at college. So many kids in such a tight space. They don't eat right. Sigh. Just one more thing for a mommy to worry about.
I work at a school and don't want to freak out about it. But it worries me a bit already.
You know what makes me worry about it? They say the flu shot has mercury in it. Mercury can kill people can't it? That just freaks me out!
The Swine Flu already went through my kids school. My kids didn't get it but all of my friend's kids did and they are fine. It is just like the flu and if it's detected early enough it can be headed off at the pass.
I'm a little worried, but I always am around flu season. Fevers scare the bejezzes out of me.
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