Sunday, June 22, 2008

Monday Ironies

I love irony.

I probably gained a few pounds this weekend.  The Bird needed a lot of pasta. Comfort food. I don't want my babies to eat alone.

Annie, Jules, Lucia and I had problems to solve.  That means wine. Maybe a bunch of it. 

Then, on Sunday, Squazz and I went for a sunset drink at Longshore.  Too many people to watch and comment upon without consuming a cocktail.  Or more.

Does your skin itch when it is stretched?

I need some lotion.

And another thing...has anybody noticed that that it's John-Boy Walton who does the voiceovers for the Mercedes Benz commercials?  Remember the Waltons? The Waltons?

Then there's :

Today's Aquarius Horoscope: Jun 23, 2008

Everyone around you will seem tense today and will come to you with their problems, dear Aquarius. You will feel at ease, and you will be able to deal with this difficult situation. They will listen to your advice and probably will feel that you are a sort of mentor or sage. Try to use your talent the best you can. Others are relying on you for understanding and compassion.

I'd better get my cardio and shower done now.  I'm going to be busy problem-solving. Which can be fattening.  And so it continues...

Got irony?


Flea said...

I never noticed. Yes, that is ironic. And pasta is the best comfort food ever. Especially with an alfredo sauce. Mmm. I'm almost comforted just thinking about it. :)

Liz said...

I'm with "flea" - just thinking about pasta ... or anything with cream sauce ....and wine - is comforting.

My irony has to do with biscuits...

Hope your "baby bird" is feeling better!

Daryl said...

No irony here .. as a fellow Aquarian I suspect I will need a lot of strength this day ... as to the itching .. well, I have had hives/itching for a year now .. seen everyone from the GP to the allergist to the derm to the GYN (who suggested yoga!) ... no allergies, none, zero, zip, nada, goose egg... and the itch goes on ...


Debbie said...

Could exist on pasta alone...

Sounds like you had a good weekend except Bird being sick and I hope she's feeling better :)

Wine with loving friends is worth a pound or two...or priceless!

Um, wonder if I will need to listen to others later today too! I usually do LOL and don't mind a bit!

Anonymous said...

I hope BB is feeling better today, poor girl. This too shall pass, and Italian Ice can help make it so.

Anonymous said...

You're a good mom to keep BB in pasta and potatoes. So what if some fell on your plate?

And cocktails are a must. Or a pint... which I indulge in once a week!

Hope you're able to meet everyone's needs today! Good for you on the Cardio!

Lisa said...

Yes I remember the Waltons. They were great. Boy, sounds as if you are going to be one busy woman today. Better get comfy, get the phone charged, and have snacks near by in case you don't get a chance to eat a real meal. I will be thinking of you and hoping you are surviving your demanding day!!!

Jules said...

Maybe the itch means you are coming into money...

Anonymous said...

The Walton's...I always loved that show...I never see it it reruns.

Joanie said...

The Waltons? Of course. I still watch the reruns in the early morning while I eagerly (sarcasm) get around for work. Sad, I am....

Sassy said...

Hope your little bird is better soon...about the pounds over the weekend...oh my stars!!! Just driving home from California back to Arizona, trying to stay awake I ate a can of Pringles a box of redvines, hot tamales no wonder I have a headache this morning, it gags me thinking about ALL THE CRAP I ATE!!! I'll be on my mini tramp all soon as my headache goes away...which probably won't be gone for awhile...{sigh} I think I'm having that uncomfortable sensation coming on {itching} to my stretching skin. Hopefully your day won't be so troublesome and taxing taking care of everybody else...good luck with that...I'm a sagitarius, not sure what my duties are there, but somedays I wish I drank, so have one for me would ya? Let me know when I'm feeling probably didn't want a novel on goodnight john boy, good night mental mama, good night fat and...

Anonymous said...

It puts the lotion in the basket or else it gets the hose again. said lotion ;)

QueenofPlanetHotflash said...

ooo pasta & wine *sigh* yes

Bear Naked said...

Do Not Eat
Do Not Drink

I really miss them.
Crying my eyes out here.

brneyedgal967 said...


It sounds like a mid-life happy meal of sorts. In fact, restaurants need to do that...

#1 Spinach Enchiladas with a smoked Chipotle sauce, Top Shelf Margaritas and Pepcid.

... yeah. Like that.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Pasta and Wine. Does it get ANY better than that? Oh yes, some chocolate.

abb said...

My scale wasn't kind to me this morning either.

Maybe we should solve our probs. without the benefit of food and wine...WAIT! That would just cause another problem! Can't do that.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Yes, skin does itch when stretched but more wine does the trick. Lots and lots more.

I loved John Boy Walton and YES I did recognize the voice. He is doing several commercials now.

Bottoms up! Worry about the pounds later.

holly said...

i wasn't tense until i came here. now i feel tense. could you solve my problem for me?

mercedes need commercials now? they really should tap into the rich market.

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

I will ALWAYS be around to make you chuckle with or without my burning nipples!

Hallie :)

Anonymous said...

Good thing I was on the road today!
Being an Aquarian and a pasta mouth would be too full to answer or comfort!
Hop all is better with Baby Bird.

Meg said...

Hope baby bird is feeling better sweetie!

I too had too many alcohol related drinks over the last few days, not good....treadmill here we go...AGAIN.

My man in the moon said...

I hope BB is feeling much better to day.....

You have hit the nail on the head. Pasta with cream sauce and don't forget the shrimp... OMG it is the best thing ever for comfort food and then there is mash potatoes with lots of butter and oh yes sour cream.
I just want to crawl into my bed with a big bowl of either one and watch a tear jerking movie like The Bucket List and just hide ...LOL...
I'm glad you had a wonderful day it sounded great....

Susiewearsthepants said...

Actually I could use some advice. I have started having night sweats almost every night. Anyone know what's up with that? I haven't had time to blog about it yet.

Keetha said...

No way. That's John Boy Walton? That IS ironic.