Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Excuse Me

The Summer Solstice is not until June 20 at 7:59 pm EDT.
What on earth is happening?
I don't do hot.
At all.
I am hormonally incapable of surviving this.


bly guy said...

Right there with ya, sister!

Nope, no air conditioning man, darn it!

Daryl said...

We're conserving energy here at the office .. all unnecessary lights are off ... shades are pulled down so the sun doesnt come in and make it hotter .. brown-outs on the Upper Eastside and complete outages in the Bronx.

Drink lots of water .. room temp is actually better for you system than cold ... and wear loose light colored clothing ... oh and if you dont have to go out .. DONT!


Miss Awesome said...

They sent all the kids in our town home from school early yesterday since none of the schools have AC. Same thing today, I don't know why they didn't just call school off instead of sending them home.

Liz said...

Good grief!!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

yep its insane hot here too!

krysta said...

hot here too. no air conditioning...can't type...

Treasia Stepp said...

We haven't hit the tri numbers yet. Thankfully.

Anonymous said...

It was almost half that here yesterday... only 53. I'm so sorry you're roasting (seriously). 100 is no fun.


Anonymous said...

Oh no but we are stifling in the same heat here as well! Ack! Dip those toes in the pool!

Lisa said...

Well not 100 degrees here, but with all the rain, soon as the sun comes out we will melt with humidity. Weird weird year! I need a boat!

Anonymous said...

we went straight from heater to a/c this year. No spring what so ever.

Anonymous said...

Blech. Also...you know bank thermometers are never accurate. Something about 'cuz they're baking in the sun.

Meg said...

Welcome to TEXAS...lol! I love hot weather, as long as there is a pool involved...sigh...

Flea said...

Seriously? Where you live? I'm so sorry. I was just outside enjoying our 85 degree day. I'll send it your way.

holly said...

don't be afraid. it's usually hotter in bank of america than anywhere else, because they are from hell. just go to a different bank!

kim-d said...

OH.MY.HELL. And yours, too! NOT THE MAMA (did you ever see that show Dinosaurs, from back in the '90s?)!!! I would be nothing but a grease spot on the floor. And I do rather agree on Bank of America being devil-spawn with or without the heat. Unlike my Mr. Hottie with the voice and eyes, who was heaven-sent. BWAHAHAHA! Thanks for the vote of confidence and advice...just for that I will do water-watching JUST FOR YOU for 15 minutes at some point this weekend :)!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...


abb said...

Stick your head in the freezer for 2 minutes each hour...this should do it or give you brain freeze;)

Debbie said...

Girl, you and me both! I'm turning into a hermit and only venture out early morning or late evening!

But you have such a beautiful duck pond, I mean POOL! Doesn't that help?

Identity crisis over here. Now I'm just HOT!

Stacey Olson said...

LOL> Hormonally incapable.. I think I am going to use that one.. poor husband and children..lol

Anonymous said...

Hot is only good at the beach...or the pool. Otherwise? Pffft!

Ok, Where Was I? said...

OMG, Daryl's comment is so smart but makes it sound like the end of the world. Don't go out. How horrible to have hit 100 already!

My man in the moon said...

WOW!! Not 3 digits here yet. But I am sure it will be coming very soon. Right now we are getting the afternoon thunderstorms. With no spring this summer is going to be so unbearable I am afraid.
Looks like a lot of days with the grand kids by the pool or at the beach. With lots of sun screen and umbrellas.
I hope you get some kind of cool wave relief.
Try and stay cool......

Snooty Primadona said...

It's awful here in Texas too, but you already knew that.

I think we're all going to have to go to extreme measures to stay cool.

As much as I hate the grocery store, it's the coolest place I know of. So I might spend the summer hanging out there, lol.


I got to say that I love the heat. It's so much better than the cold Junes from before. Just a preference.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Well i could use some of that heat here but not that much, I don't do heat well either

Joanie said...

OMG..it is freezing cold her...well, in the 50's and WINDY.

Anonymous said...

100 degrees is no fun no matter what age you are... what was the "real temp" with the humidity??