Saturday, June 7, 2008


I do not even think so...

Annie!  Jules!  Look what I found at the Bev Max down the road.
I had to sneak this picture because they were watching me....
It must have been my gasp that caught their attention.
They have copied us.
Brazen.  Wanton. Plagiarism.

What should we do?
I mean, we invented Cocktail Corner.


Liz said...

Time for a protest!

Anonymous said...


Lisa said...

Are you kidding...They put a sign in the store just for you??? To show just you and your friends what you are suppose to buy? What will they think of next? Home delivery?? Those sneaky advertisers. I have never heard of singling out a group of people like that before. They must not have gotten the memo that you were cutting back!

Anonymous said...

Complete and total copyright infringement!

Laura ~Peach~ said...


krysta said...

Where's a lawyer when you need one?

Anonymous said...

Isn't this copyright infringement?

abb said...

My mother always told me thoughts travel...WE SHOULD HAVE COPYRIGHTED THAT, DAMMIT!

Let's sue anyway! We need a conference call to that lawyer, yes we do!

Daryl said...

The nerve!

Boycott their products!!!!!!

Damn its 90 here today ...


Flea said...

You should beat them within an inch of their worthless lives, then run, run, run away!

What? Were you talking to me? Sorry.

Stacey Olson said...

LOL.. maybe its a SIGN!!

Jules said...

Actually, this is a Diageo thing and ND probably came up with is:)


Them are fightin' words.

holly said...

it's not RIIIIIGHT!!!