An unexpected letter or package might arrive sometime today, Aquarius. This could be a gift from a lover - perhaps a bit more lavish than you would have expected. You could receive other communications as well. At least one could be related to your job in some way. A party invitation could also come, and you will probably want to attend. Your significant other will want to accompany you.
Oh more goodies .. I got a raise and a 'prize' for being here a long time this past week ... but this horoscope is making me think there's more loot, er,treats headed my way ... I hope its something I can take or wear when I go to Las Vegas in 9 days ...Happy Monday, Mama!
It doesn't get much better than that! Who doesn't love a party?
Damn the postman's already been and I received nothing but bills!
I'm quite glad there wasn't a party invite though.
Well it said something about money, so it could be good - but not nearly as good as yours.
Mine says someting about skipping around, trying new things, and exploring new perspectives and talks about eating from a buffet? That doesn't mesh well with the Healthy Choice entree waiting for me in the office freezer...
I wonder if this means mail-mail, actual paper letters or if email qualifies.
Monday would be a great time to get a party invitation. Just saying.
So far so good! Happy Monday!
Sagittarius Horoscope - Monday, October 04 2010
Of all the zodiac signs, you're one of those who will have the confidence to go against the grain and do your own thing. This is admirable. And you may find yourself wanting to do that again today. But before you do, first take soundings. Check out how other people feel. You might revise your opinions once you get their feedback. This can surprise you.
well thats what mine says for the day-it should've said that about a month ago...
Nothing yet, but I hope you have a wonderful day my friend!
Don't party too hard :)
Oooo! I hope your present is very sparkly!!
Mine's the same as yours- yes! Bring it on. I love presents!
Who wouldn't want a gift from their lover!
Parties every day for you, Miss Ives!
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