You're on a roll today, Aquarius. Don't let other people's insecurities or shallow understanding about an issue get in the way of your progress. There's a distinct advantage to the way you approach things. Feel free to exert your will on those who need strong direction. If you're confident about the answer, don't be shy about saying so. If people don't like the way you're leading, they don't need to follow.
It's about time all us Aquarians got our lot in life recognized. Watch out....
What does your day look like?
Wow! Yours rocks!
As long as mine doesn't include any prep work or cooking, I'm fine with it!
What you mean this is the day we get to boss everyone else around for a change??? Wow.
harump lol
I think I'm going to change my astrological sign to Aquarius.
Apparently, my smoldering coals are about to burst into flames today. Watch out!!
Just figure this is for your entire week...
Why, I could have sworn you were always on a roll!
Mine says I'm on the brink of completing a major move of some sort and that I'm probably sitting in solitary deliberation as I wrestle with the pros and cons of each piece of the situation. Which is nice-speak for "sitting on your derriere on the couch." And they would be right about that. :)
Regarding this ruling the world thing. I guess I'd be more concerned about that if you were a Capricorn. BWAHAHAHA!
Looks like yours ... I am going to try this asserting stuff in Vegas ...
"Feel free to exert your will..." Yes!
Your Horoscope - Today, Oct. 11, 2010
Rest and recuperation should be at the top of your agenda today, bunny. You are definitely in need of some ''downtime'' after the absorbing activity of the past few days. Perhaps someone will phone with an offer to go on a leisurely boat ride, or a friendly match of tennis or handball. Better yet, why not take the phone off the hook and simply put your feet up. All work and no play equals dull!
Apparently I need a rest after taking Jr. Birdman and another friend's son to the Philadelphia Zoo yesterday. Loved the Lego endangered species display and we went up in a tethered hot air balloon - a must for your next trip to see Augie. And you don't even have to enter the zoo to go up in it - it's on the outside of the zoo.
One time when I was appointed Head Nurse, I called my mother and told her the good news thinking she would congratulate me. "You always were bossy" she said! Well, now I'm being told to be bossy- all right!
Does it say something about me....that I am too impatient to wait for them to email my horoscope? smiles..
Yours is good, but I want Ellen's horoscope!
Usually I never read mine because it ends up being a horror-scope, and I'm better off not knowing in advance.
Finally...found mine....
There is something in the air today pushing you toward change or renewal, Emom. Is it time to change your wardrobe or redecorate your home? If so, this is the day. If you have monetary restrictions, you'll find it just as fulfilling (and a whole lot cheaper) to simply rid your home of all the things that just aren't ''you'' anymore. Surround yourself with the things you love.
Hot diggety! smiles..
No one ever listens to us. It is about time we mattered LOL
We'll show them!
Yours is a LOT better than mine. Go you!
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