Monday, May 18, 2009

Well It's About Time...

My Spanx Catalogue is here!
It's graduation time.
Mama says:  "Thank you, Laude."
For Spanx.
The end.


Ellen said...

Gee, with spanx I could actually fit into a size 3 - not!

Gin said...

Bra-lallujah for Spanx! That is hilarious!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Isn't the Spanx on the list of endangered species?

Or is it a channel on satellite TV - you know down there near the Pay Per Views...

Unknown said...

Spanx are one of God's greatest gift's I do believe.

Linda said...

I haven't ever seen them, and even if I had, they would be on the bottom of my shopping list, and then, if I decided to buy some, I'm sure they wouldn't fit, and if, perchance, they did fit, I wouldn't wear them anyway!

I plan never to have anything like that on my body again. No more panty hose, or spanx. Bury me in my jeans and T-shirt!

Meg McCormick said...

Brallelujah! BWAHAHAHA!!!

T said...

ok, first of all - bra-lallujah - lmao!

I've never donned on one of these, are they really that great?

Nurse Nancy said...

Never tried them but I know a few that believe in them. Not sure how well I would tolerate the closeness I would feel in them.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I have never tried them, but now, upon serious consideration, I believe I should ;0)

Anonymous said...

You're so lucky! How come I don't get cool catalogs like that?

abb said...

Loves me some Spanx!

Starwoodgal said...

My daughter is a size nothing and wears spanx under dresses or pants. However, I have not purchased any spanx because:
1) if I were able to squeeze into them, I'm afraid something would/could explode under pressure.
2) The friction/lycra combo on my thighs would probably cause me to self-combust.

Maybe I'll try them next winter.

Mango Girl said...

I tried those, once. Not happy with the results, hence my new pilates obsession with the "on demand" t.v. 20 minutes a day and I already see a difference... Besides, I would rather run around nakey...I hate clothes ~ unless I had Paris Hilton's wardrobe budget. Since I don't, and the pilates has not done all it needs to yet, I stay is best for all the world.

Deb said...

I love spanx. if they weren't so damn hot, I would wear them 24/7.

imom said...

If I wore something like that it would give muffin top (and bottom) a whole new name. This would not be something any would want to see!

Caution/Lisa said...

I am terified of what might happen heat-wise to me, but I am more terrified to see my chest getting closer to the ground each year. I wonder if Spanx is the answer?

Trisha said...

Spanx and Texas heat - not a good match. However, you gotta love what Spanx can do for you!

Unknown said...

Spandex is banned in Texas, which is one of the main reasons Grandma J moved here. Besides, spandex isn't environmentally friendly, and has a huge carbon footprint, causing the rise of oceans and demise of islands.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Does this work well with bathing suits?

noble pig said...

I'll take on of each from that book.

I Am Woody said...

Do you think they could shrink me from a 14 to a 6?

Keetha said...

Snug and slim, that's the way to roll, right?

Daryl said...

I never tried Spanx but I do love those YummyTummys ... they smooth down the muffintops and make bra lines on your back vanish ...

Sally's World said...

I've just ordered my first pair of spanx ...v excited!

Big Hair Envy said...

Can Spanx eliminate back fat?

Sassy said...

I wonder how many pairs I can wear at many will it take to tuck and roll this fat bod into something my boyfriend will love even more than he does now...

Donalyn said...

Do they come industrial strength - cause that is what I need.

Snooty Primadona said...

All those ever do for me is shove the fat up & out elsewhere...

I swear they are only intended for use by thin women who just THINK they are fat...

Country Girl said...

I have one that is calf length. Love it.

Flea said...

Daryl says my eye bra looks like the Bra-lellujah. Does it come with a Velcro closure?

Suz Broughton said...

They should sell Spanx at McDonalds. They should be like the adult meal toy. Just an idea