Since this week has turned into a colossal mental meltdown James Joycean Stream-of-Consciousness kind of time for me, I have decided to go with your idea of an MPM t-shirt. I think it was Ellen who said it first, and the crowd other two of you agreed! So, I am going to make it a contest....
All together now: Yay!
Send me your ideas, either graphics or slogans, and I'll post them for a vote. Then, I'll have the shirts made of the winning design. The winner will receive the first shirt!
Maybe we can get Shauna to model it.
Wait. I guess we need some parameters. Let's see. Email your entries to: mentalpmama(at)aol(dot)com by Monday, June 1. I'll post all the entries after that, and we will have our election. I cannot wait for your ideas. And I'm a little scared at the same time.
Go forth and create. Love, Mama
Keep it simple about the photo on your masthead! I would buy it! TSAnnie agrees with me.
I'm blogged out.
that's my story and I am sticking to it.
First we need to hear more about the mental meltdown (???)
Will these shirts be available at the blog fest? Who's handling your media appearances?
how about, we're all mental...there's just different degrees of it...
call me mental again and i'll kick your ar$e
blogg off!
mental meltdown in progress....
okay, i'll shut up now!!!!LOL!!!
Will I be able to purchase an autographed one?!!
Oh...I'm gonna have to stew on this one for a bit!
Actually, I rather like the tag line for your blog:
It's all about the humor.
And the chardonnay.
I think a picture of those grape flip flops are in order, too.
So when can I expect my free T-shirt?
Oh boy, something to think about while the boys are in the Bahamas!
OK, my friend what are you mentally melting over, and don't you mean Faulkner??
I think NN's idea is brilliant! And then on the back the tee-shirt should have "It's all about the humor. And the Chardonnay."
I'll take 2!
I'm SO NOT creative, so I'll just kick back and enjoy reading the entries.
I think The Beautiful Bird should be your model....she's got a look;)
BTW - I like cami-style cotton shirts better than t-shirts...will those be available? UmK, thanks!
Parameters? Remember, it's MPM not PMS.
Yeah I'm're not??
What a shame...
Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ♥ this...and oh yeah I was one of them yesterday that said I would take one....I'll put my thinkin' cap on....oughta be fun!!!!
Keep it in line with your blog. A picture of your header and your blog address. center it, or put it samller up top off to the side.
I keep telling CBW that they should get shirts made for the blogfest and sell them. I would buy some. I'll buy yours if I don't win. Hey, maybe I need shirts.
Oh you are a brave soul.
Fun idea ...
I sent you an e-mail. I thin it's a great idea!
Oh, how much fun! Only now my mind is completely blank. The pressure of a killer idea for a Mental Mama tshirt.
You need to have those shoes she wears with the plastic hooker heels on your shirt! Are you kidding, you HAVE too!
I vote for plastic hooker heels.
I am all over it...will have it to you by late Sunday...
So does this mean you're attending BlogHer?
Okay...I've got you hooked...with the plastic hooker shooes of course...or You're hooked on my blog...with the hooker shoes...
Wait. When I said I want a T-shirt I meant of like your blog header...duh. I don't care about winning anything. I'll buy it. Well as soon as I get a job.
I SO wish my brain was working because I'd love to come up with something creative. I guess I'll just have to stand in the queue to be one of the first to buy it.
Oh yeah, and the meltdown?
Nice dress looks beautiful
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