Anyone care to join me in a virtual weight loss group? I have never been so glad to see the end of a holiday weekend arrive. As I sit here in my stretchy pants this morning, I am remembering my calorie-laden adventures of the past few days. These midlife pounds pile on faster than I ever imagined they would. But I don't really help matters any. I actually raced 30 little children to an ice cream truck yesterday. I had a Klondike Crunch. It was really good. And pizza for dinner on top of that.
I am probably 20 pounds heavier than I was 2 years ago. I would like to lose those pounds, but would be happy with 10. Anyone else out there care to join me?
Count me in! Will you lose my 20 pounds for me? Don't wanna do the work...AT ALL!
I'm not going to join you, but I definitely wish you luck!
yes... I need to relose all the poounds I have regained...
I added part two at the bottom of part one... so sneak back to see what else happend in year 8 LOL...
I'm working on losing 60. Sign me up.
Count me in! I put on 25 during menopause and I think the only way to get it off is to walk myself to death! I don't eat that much, it's just flab stuck here and won't go away while I sit here at computer...duh!
I'm in...30 - 35 to lose!
I'm in... I'll take 10. (Oh dear god, what have I just committed to?)
Count me in, I am posting about something I am doing to help in a couple of days. I am tryng to get the last 15 lbs. off. I take it the products didn't help?
Y'all are funny. Oneida, you win the prize. There will be no naked pics. I'm at the point where I keep my eyes closed in the shower. But I am committed to this, and am going to do an hour of cardio every day the next few weeks. I have to get this started somehow. oh, and Annie? No wine for us girlfriend:(
Ha! I did rock, paper, scissors wih my eight year old over a piece of cake. I won. And yes I ate it. What a mean mommy I am.
I will support your weight loss anyway I can...start with making my low-fat ricotta pancakes...you'll love em'.
I see your Klondike bar and up it by two Supreme Indulgence cones, five mini danish, and two pieces of pie. Note: the MINI in danish.
It's hard to get started moving downward on the scale. Maybe if I check back here often enough, I will get motivated.
UGH.. I havent gotten the 8 lbs from Chistmas/New Year off yet .. I hate feeling this way .. tho I admit somedays I get so frustrated that I do eat things I shouldnt because 'what difference would it make'
Well .. I am going to try really hard not to be bad this week .. so count me in ...
What are you going to make us do?
I want to join you as well, but I am a little scared.....You crack a mighty mean whip I am afraid. Let's doooooo ittttt!
Oh gosh! I've been trying to lose the same 50 pounds for years now. I always get stuck after pregnancies at those last 50 pounds. Doc says it is because I'm getting old. His words. I'm 38. I don't go to him anymore. ha!
I am IN!!! I tired on clothes for Prize Day/Graduation ceremonies and had to leave the store.
WHO was that fat thing in the mirror?
MM count me in on the group. I need to lose about 30lbs I've gained in the last couple of years myself. As you've read I'm not one bit happy about it either.
Okay, I'll do it. I, too, am 20 pounds heavier than ten years ago. What do we do?
I'd like to try, too. Let's do it together, ok?
*puts down klondike bar to type*
Count me in! And double my dose.
What a wonderful idea.
Sign me up. Is there anything special that you would want us to do? The only thing I WON'T do is post a picture of myself!
LOL, I just have this mental (pun) picture of you out running the 30 little kids and shoving them out of the way to get to the ice cream...
I don't think we need to go on any special "diet." I know that it takes, reducing calories, increasing exercise and lots and lots of water. For me, I am going to aim for one hour of cardio every day, and really cut back on sugars (ie: my Wine)...but if you need encouragement, I'm here, and I am going to ask you all to hold me accountable...don't be afraid to ask me if I did my cardio or what I ate yesterday. I'll do the same for you if you want me to...I think I will make Mondays the official weigh-in day.
Monday it is!!!
Ohhhhhhh Cab tonight then, but no margarita pie!
No wine...yikes, but good idea...
OK - no wine
And I've been on the lookout for a decent used bike - I have a great road that would do for both cardio and strength (hills!)...
Pass me one of those Krunch bars and let's talk about losing some weight.
Count me in.
LOL.. look at all the comments this post got.. I would like to loose about 20 myself, but want to start with 10.. I always seem to loose about 5 then gain it back.. maybe with summer it will be easier.. Count me in..!!
LOl these comments are cracking me up!!!
But as I told my husband recently, I can't quit drinking wine until my mother's dead. And that wine with dinner is the killer, pounds-wise.
Oh yes I'll join in. I need to lose a few. A few more now than before the holiday ..lol.. I think I ate everything in sight that either had sugar or starch in it. So when do we start??
I too am dieting right now. I have actually lost some weight. 35 pounds so far and more to go. It would sure help to have support and encouragement from others doing the same thing. For me, stress is a big factor. I gained back about 60 pounds when my mom died and craved sugar non stop. Now, Im doing better and the sugar cravings have stopped.
I'm in as well. I'm 40 pounds heavier than 3 years ago. I'll match your hour of cardio starting tomorrow but I'll aim for 5 days a week.
Racing the kids to the ice cream truck counts as exercise right?
If I sign up, will you come and grab the dark chocolate raisins out of my hands before I eat the whole bag? My doctor laughed when I told him: "Well, at least they have antioxidants and fiber..."
What is it about turning 51? All of a sudden, after 30 ears of constant diets, I have the overwhelming urge to eat some REAL food while I still have all my own teeth! LOL
Count me in!
250/250 rule - cut down calories by 250 a day (one can of soda) and add 250 calories a day worth of exercise, which adds up to 3,500 calories a week difference, which equals losing one pound a week, which means 50 pounds a year, which is a lot! :)
You know it's every BLT that will get you don't ya? Every Bite, Lick and Taste...
I totally agree with dessert first, ice cream before pizza, life is short, why take chances?
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