Thursday, July 26, 2012

Twenty One

How is this possible?


I Am Woody said...

You must've blinked. Hope they have a wonderful birthday!

Sally said...

Such beautiful blessings!

Happy Birthday to the Bird and Augie. And, congratulations to you mama for raising incredible kids. :)

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

I can't believe they are already 21. Happy birthday to them both.

Grandmother Mary said...

How is it possible? LOTS of lovin'!

LL Cool Joe said...

I look at my kids and wonder where the years have gone! Congratulations and happy birthday to your beautiful kids!

Debbie said...

You've done an outstanding job, Mama.

Hope you all are having a wonderful birthday celebration!

Happy Birthday Baby Birds!!


abb said...

How wonderful was that possible!

Maria_NJ said...

I'll teach them to play blackjack!

Daryl said...

mix a lot of love with some time and you get two fabulous young adults .. you did good Mama!

Kathleen... said... much happens during those blinks....Happy Celebrating Your Children Day! =)

Kathleen... said... much happens during those blinks....Happy Celebrating Your Children Day! =)

Snooty Primadona said...

They are so adorable! And now they're legal!!! Another milestone added to the pile... You did a fabulous job raising them & I know how proud you must be.

Anonymous said...

nice post thanks for sharing...i saw your blog on other followers nice looking for to visit more blessings !

Joanie said...

time flies....

Meg McCormick said...

Well done, proud Mama!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Why is it when we were children we wanted to grow up quickly but it took forever, but with our own children they're babies one day an adults the next?

Happy birthday to you all :)

Hilary said...

Sweet. Belated Happy Birthday to your twins. :)