- I had 4 lymph nodes removed in my right arm.
- Radiation will start in about 3 weeks. No chemo for me.
- Yay.
- My radiation oncologist diagnosed me with a hernia. I laughed.
- I would really like a Hi Heidi doll.
- My team of doctors is like a Words with Friends bonanza: Dr. V, Dr. C, Dr. Z, Dr. G and Dr. P.
- I can never get another shot, a blood pressure cuff or blood drawn in my right arm again.
- I am so very lucky.
- My first Hi Heidi doll was a gift from my mother when I learned how to tie my shoes.
- I am hatching a plan to get that hernia repaired along with a tummy tuck. I believe I can finagle it.
- I found a Hi Heidi doll on eBay with a pristine red carrying case just like mine.
- Have you had your mammogram this year?
- I am so very lucky.
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
3 weeks ago
If my friend Joy can figure out a way to force her ex-husband to pay for her boob lift, then hernia repair/tummy tuck is totally doable.
Oh, Mama! So happy you don't have to go through Chemo. My mother had basically the same thing about two years ago and she is doing really, really well now. I think you deserve both the Hi Heidi doll AND the tummy tuck!
Thinking of you!
i'm happy that you're lucky.
Just this morning, I attended a Cancer Support breakfast in the area, taking my sister with me who's still fighting cancer. We discussed the importance of having a support network, as well as having a positive, fighting spirit - so I have no doubt you are going to kick this cancer's ass. :)
And my yearly mammogram is in two weeks - I always have it around Valentine's Day...to show some love to me and my "girls." It makes it easy to remember!
I wish you much hugs and much support and I'm glad you are lucky. ;)
I am thankful for your outcome. Very, very thankful!
Very happy you are happy...
Keep me posted on the hernia repair tummy tuck. I want one!
I just put off my endoscopy until later in the month. I think my hernia has gotten bigger.
Will have to check out Hi Heidi! I don't remember her :(
You are so brilliantly positive -- it'll carry you too!!! :) I'm so happy to read your no chemo update!! Yay!
And I'll have to google Hi Heidi when I get home today....;)
No chemo=YAY!!
You found Hi Heida=Yay, and LOL!!
Your positive spirit will take you a long way in kicking butt, and I know you can do it; you already are.
I don't have a hernia but I need a complete overhaul. :)
I'm going straight right now and make the appointment.
My mamm is tomorrow afternoon. And I had no idea you had a hernia. I got your sweet thank you card today. It's always a pleasure to get something other than bills in the mail ~
The Hi Heidi doll does not look familiar but the red carrying case sure does. What does that say about me? Attachment issues?
Am very glad to hear you are getting good care and that you get to avoid chemo. Keep up the gratitude!
HiHeidi?? Don't think I'm familiar with that one. Let me know about the tummy tuck, I do know someone who managed to do that very thing. Glad you are doing well, you inspire me to do better.
Thanks to you, my mammogram is done as is my physical that hasn't happened in two years. Hi Heidi? Never heard of her, but I hope you've already ordered her as part of your healing plan. She can be your mascot for the new and improved Mama of 2012.
After what you have been through a Hi Heidi doll and a tummy tuck are what you deserve!!!! I have always wanted a tummy tuck...after all of my c-sections the muscles in my tummy are shot but so are the muscles in my bootie too I guess hahahaha....I love your this and that's........and no I haven't had my mammogram yet but have an order to get one done.....I am so thankful they caught yours in time...YAY! Is a great word!
I am now wishing I had a hernia .. a tummy tuck would be a lot easier to deal with than dieting off these miserable holiday pounds ... never heard of Hi Heidi .. and thank you for the lovely thank you note .. LOVED the photo
I am so glad to hear this. I've been praying for you!
Well poopy!
sorry you lost a few nodes. Better than a lotanodes. cyber hugs here.
My mam is over for the year.. bless the doc's heart he told me I had perfect breasts for a mam "all fatty replacement tissue".
Now as for the hernia.. didn't you just run for a charity? You should be able to call the cost of repair etc. a charitable contribution. ;P
Just saying.
You are lucky indeed my friend. My daughter had several lymph nodes removed in her arm when she had several melanoma sites removed. And she is one lucky girl as well ... they came back negative! Never can stress enough the importance of annual exams!
No chemo is a huge yay!!
No, have not had the mammogram yet (don't shout), but you have inspired me to do so much already. First pap in 6 years scheduled this month as well as a barrage of blood work to determine some issues I've been hiding from. I can't even imagine how many other people you've inspired!
Forget the yummy tuck, men love curves :)
Great to hear good news! My mammogram appointment is on Monday!
Great great news about the chemo! And, with your positive energy, you'll keep doing great! Prayers from Nebraska!
I'll have my mammogram this year! Promise!!
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