Our first book in the Mental Pause Book Club will be Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I will post my book report on Monday, December 8, and my plan is to install a Mr. Linky so that everyone who wants to participate can link up to their own post about it. At the end of your post, nominate the next book you would like us to read, and we will vote on them a few days later.
Since this is a new adventure, I am open to suggestions. By the way, do not be intimidated by the length of the book. It is an incredibly fast read. And a good one. Now go forth and read.
Can I borrow your book????
I admire you for taking on such an endeavor. I break out into sweat at the mere thought of being responsible for a club, much less one that requires reading!
Because that would detract from my internet addiction....
Yes, Twilight is a fast read. I began reading it on a Sunday afternoon and finished within two evenings (yes, I work full). It took me less than two weeks to complete all four books in the Twilight saga. I cannot WAIT until the movie release Nov. 21st!!
Read on!!! This is exciting.
THank you Mental P Mama for undertaking this endeavor!
I am going to get my book tonight!!! Thanks for hosting the first one and I am excited to see how this works out.
Thanks for doing this...you rock, hard!
Have a great weekend, girly!!!
If you ever need an adjunct column, e.g. "Don't bother to read..." I'm your woman.
On the up side, I could also do a "This is an oldie but a goodie..."
TG for the library. Good luck!
I purchased it at Sam's last weekend. I guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend. :)
I am so in. I promise I will keep my comments to Twilight and only to Twilight.
Oh, goody. I am already at page 104. and it is a fast read..but did anyone find the awkward to hold? it is kind of a weird shape, bu that's just me.
I'm in. FUN!
My oldest boy is reading this book. The odd thing is that he NEVER reads. He's been suffering from insomnia so I suggested reading. He got this book from his neighbor friend. I'll have to borrow it.
I think your book club is a great idea. Unfortunately, I promised Hubby I would finish reading the books I have in the house before brining any more - even borrowed ones - into the place. I will keep up with your club though so that I can join when I finish my piles of reading!
I'm in!! Going to pick it up this weekend!!!
This is going to be FUN!!!
I will try to borrow my daughter's copy... There's not going to be a pop quiz is there?
Oh, now's my chance! I've got to finish up Pride & Prejudice first (not much further to go) but then afterward I may join in. My son has the full collection. He loved the books. And so do several of my friends.
Cool - and son's girlfriend just got a job at Waldenbook's... perhaps I can give her $ to buy it with her discount? Woot!
I'M IN! Both of our daughters read them all and loved them...not sure why I never jumped in and started...I'm guessing too many irons in the fire...maybe I can kick back and take some time for myself...I did just finish reading The Secret Life of Bees and it was good. Thanks for doing this...it should be lots of fun!
hummm, are you going to tell us what it is about? Or have you and I missed it?
It's an easy read. If anyone would like me to mail the one I have, let me know. I acquired it from MP's friend Daryl, who has a book borrowing site and am just waiting for the next person to ask for it. E-mail me at katydid56@gmail.com
Pick me! Pick me! I wanna belong!!
Too bad you didn't warn these poor people that one book leads to another and all life has to stop while there's reading to be had.
Still pondering....
Aha - got the book... I'll plug it on my blog later. Woot! Going to read...
For once, I am prepared. Yes!!
Yes, it is definitely a fast read, so don't let the girth of the book scare you off. I thought it was amazing how this author managed to weave so much suspense and sexual tension into a novel that never had any sex in it at all. Well worth the read, though!
Anyone who needs a copy ... let Country Girl Kate know and she'll send you the one I lent her..
I started this last night. An easy read, yes. Intriquing, that particular table in the cafeteria (some things never change - ha).
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