Saturday, July 5, 2008

Gone Weedin'

Have a wonderful Saturday!
You can come help if you would like...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Perfect color combo! If weeds truly not under control, call. I come with my own kneel-pad.

abb said...

Can't believe there's weeds in there!

Sassy said...

If my weeds looked like that I wouldn't never be out pulling excuse now it is just too flipping HOT!!!! I remember when I was little my dad would pay me a nickel a weed...oh the memories...

Don't forget to take time today to smell the flowers...

Treasia Stepp said...

Beautiful weeds you have there.

Daryl said...

I find weeding to be like shredding paper .. a very therapeutic exercise .. when our friend B who owns the brownston we live in had a roof garden I was the head weeder .. he was always 'weeding' baby plants by mistake ...

If it wasnt raining and if I hadnt had my hair just done I'd be there helping you .. honest


Lisa said...

You always have such beautiful pictures. It looks like the weather is pretty good too. Have a great weekend.

Bear Naked said...

I have a garden stone that I bought for way too much money but I couldn't resist it.
It is engraved with the words:

"Weeds for Sale
Pick your own"

Have a great day.


holly said...

this is what i love about decking. the no-mowing, and the no-weeding.

krysta said...

ugh! i gotta weed my own flowerbed... can we meet up for drinks later?

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

I cannot believe how gorgeous your flowers are. Simply beautiful.