Monday, July 16, 2012

Moving Day has Arrived...

Ready or not.


LL Cool Joe said...

Good luck I hope your move goes really smoothly!

abb said...

You should be very proud of yourself!

Pix said...

You did it! And you beat that old PROcrastination!! Sending wishes that all goes well and it will! I am so excited for you.

Sally said...

It's such a blessing for me to know someone like you; brave little mama to be pulling up stakes and beginning a new chapter. You know I wish you the best!


Daryl said...

OMG .. OMG ... I am so proud of you even with procrastinating you got it done .... HELLLOOOO Franklin, the prodigal daughter is coming home!!!!

sniff .. xoxoxo

Debbie said...

Have to agree with everyone very proud of you! You are one strong helluva woman!

I remember well the Empty Nest Syndrome years ago. My how you have progressed! xoxoxox

Thinking Mary Tyler Moore LOL

Country Girl said...

You are ready! So proud of you - it's a lot to do but the rewards are great. Safe journey this week. I'll be thinking of you~~

Unknown said...

Oh my!.....stay cool and don't let the mishaps (and there always seems to be a few) get you down!.....smiles.

joanne said...

journey safely dear one...

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

So excited for this new chapter of your life. Congratulations.

kim-d said...

Thinking of you, and am looking forward to "Tales of Tennessee" by The Mama! :)

Karen Deborah said...

I hope you take some pics of your new digs and show us!!

Ellen said...

Godspeed friend. Have a safe trip.

Hilary said...

Safe travels, L.

Donna S. said...

Good luck!!

Sassy said...

This last year has been so FULL for you......I'll bet those who are having to tell you goodbye are having a hard time....I know I would!!!!!

I can't imagine making such huge changes and yet I think it would be awesome in a way to have a clean slate and start making new memories.....I am excited for you! Best wishes for everything you are doing my friend!