Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Wednesday Quiz

When you are diagnosed with cancer, the words "Bucket List" crop up in your head a lot.  Now that I have had my warning shot, I think I may actually do some of the things on my list.  You?

You Should Write a Book

You may not feel like you could write a book, but you actually have a lot to say. Just let it flow!
You already live in your own little world. You may as well introduce everyone else to it.

It's likely that you feel like you have a lot of baggage you'd like to unload, and writing can be cathartic.
By writing a book, you would feel a huge sense of accomplishment. And you'd have a legacy to leave behind.


Nurse Nancy said...

I am supposed to climb Mt. Everest. I think I will leave that to someone else :)

Snooty Primadona said...

Quitting your job may seem like a scary prospect, but it could be the best thing you ever do.
There's no doubt that working for the man drags you down, and it may be time to do something you love.

You want to expand your mind, and the only way you're going to be able to do that is to take a leap.
Consider a career that's more creative or independent. If you can work how you want, work won't feel like work!

If I had a job, this might apply...

KCSherri said...

Well, it's no surprise, since you and I appear to be twin sisters separated at birth, that I got the same results as you did. Writing a book. Which actually IS on my bucket list - go figure!

Laura~peach~ said...

my bucket list has one HUGE item one it... a world tour to meet all of my computer family... thats been in my head for for writing a book thats eeasy... PRINT THEBLOG :) lol

Sally said...

Me too! We could co-arthur! Oh, and Debbie too! :)

Keetha said...

OH, HECK YEAH! I'd buy the first copy. And organize your blog tour, and your actual reading tour, which would include visits to Square Books and my house. And red wine.

Do it! I've appointed myself your official Hassler and Nagger. You're welcome.

Country Girl said...

I'm either going to write a book or climb Mt. Everest. I answered two different ways. And I refuse to climb Mt. Everest, so I'm sharpening my pencils.
Miss you.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

You most DEFINITELY should write a book, and I want to be behind the scenes when you and CG Kate are interviewed by Oprah.

Both of you will be asked to sit with Oprah for your words of inspiration (and your book and her photographs) inspired by, shall we say generically speaking, Life's Challenges.

I Am Woody said...

"You need that change in perspective that changing your geography brings."

Spot. On.

Reena said...

Holy Camoly! Climb Mt. Everest?? Not.On.My.Bucket.List!

kim-d said...

I'll buy your book if you buy mine! :)

Daryl said...

late to the par-tay

I would buy any eBook you wrote .. it would be non-fiction but I'd make an exception because it was you

You would like to turn your world upside down a little, and there's no better way to do that than immersing yourself in a foreign culture.
Learning a new language would broaden your perspective and give you an inside look at another area of the world.

Getting to know a new language would challenge your brain as well as your expectations about another culture.
Your opportunities in life would also be expanded. Imagine where you could travel once you had another language under your belt!

Clearly I need to learn another language .. NOT .. I am still working on mastering this one ..

abb said...

I'm supposed to be writing a book as well. Don't think so.

Sassy said...

I would buy your book.......and I would read it.......GO FOR IT!!!!