I think we need to do a little housekeeping and catching up here in Mental Land. It's been a busy spring what with my rugrats (proms, SAT's,
lonjry), my blog hopping, work,
Fred and Bessie, Twittering, blog hopping, grocery shopping, cardio. You know, life. Anyway, I thought we'd take today and get up to speed. Oh, and that Hot Flash picture has nothing to do with anything, although it may become my own personal logo. Kind of catchy, no?
How is everyone doing with our little
fitness challenge? Have you upped your exercise quotient? I have always done some form of exercise, but I think sitting at a desk and
blog hopping working all day has a great deal to do with my new blubber issues. So in that regard, I am making a conscious effort to move around a bit more during the course of my daily life. My goal is to sweat for at least an hour each day.
Water. I have doubled my consumption, and I swear my skin already looks better just 4 days in to this. I add lemon to it to make it all fancy, plus I read somewhere that lemon is a detoxifying agent. It may very well be, but I just like the flavor.

Wine. Sigh. While I am not swearing it off entirely, I have to say that I am feeling like it may have made a difference already. Alcohol is sugar, and your body will work to burn that all off before it even gets to fat-burning mode. In addition, when I drink wine, I tend to eat more. So, in order to jumpstart my own return to fitness, I am not having any cocktails for a week or so. You can do as you please. I think it might be a good idea to try to eliminate at least one sugar or fat vice when you want to move the scale in a backward direction. I hate to admit it, but I do feel better these days. Sigh.
As far as diet goes, I have always been a fairly healthy eater, so I am focusing on smaller portions right now, and really feel no different in terms of deprivation. First of all, starving yourself doesn't work over a long haul. It's the type of food choices you make and the quantity. One thing everyone can do is add more fiber.
Dr. Oz is all about fiber; he says women need at least 25 grams per day, and most don't get half of that. I just love him. He might even qualify as my secret boyfriend like the ones
Mrs. G is always
lusting over talking about, but that is for another day. Make sure you eat lots of veggies and lean protein, and you will feel a difference. Both in your jeans and your demeanor. I swear I am in a better mood....maybe because I'm not struggling to breathe when I sit down to
blog hop work.
Other items I need to discuss:
Can anyone believe the story about that poor woman who
had a baby on a plane? In a galley kitchen? And then had to fly
three more hours afterwards to get to New York. Yikes.
What is the consensus on Sex and the City? I was never a fan of the series, so I'm not exactly in a big hurry to go. But I'm open to reviews.
What is your favorite commercial these days? I love those Ocean Spray Cranberry ones--you know with the two guys in the cranberry bog.
Does anyone have anything fun planned for the weekend? I need to live vicariously.
Well I guess that's it for now, but please try to head over to Kacey's
Wine on the Keyboard to vote on your favorite "motherhood" submission. You don't have to vote for mine, just pay her a visit. All the pictures are really great. Serious.