- I have a job interview later this morning. Could be interesting.
- I need to dash out and buy some stockings.
- It's humid here today, and I am not looking forward to said stockings. Or the suit jacket either.
- Wish me luck.
- I am down another 3 pounds. Wheat free living is the life for me.
- My nephew plays football for the school my brothers attended. I hope to go to every game. They need more cowbell, though.
- I am the big sister to my brothers, but they are basically my mentors. They are incredible men.
- I cannot wait to change my car tags. I can see all the Tennessee cops eyeing this old yankee gal with her Connecticut plates.
- FYI: I have taken the steps to re-register the car, it just takes time.
- I am having dinner with a college suitemate, her parents and her daughter on Saturday night. I am thrilled.
- Oh yeah, this daughter is also my god daughter. Thrilled.
- Okay. Gotta go get some stockings. Go get my game face on, and get this day under way.
- Have a great day, everyone. Be safe.
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
1 week ago