I love gardens.
All kinds of gardens.
I really loved my gardens.
I spent many hours out there.
Many hours.
And I hope the new people treat my plants well.
What are you doing this weekend?
Try to show someone new a little kindness, or reach out to someone you'd normally never say hello to. It's a really good time to make new friends and allies,and connecting with others is always beneficial.
Today's Aquarius Horoscope January 20 - February 18 You can't seem to shut up, even if you desperately want to -- and you thought you'd said too much yesterday!. You're so ridiculously chatty, in fact, that even people who know you well may end up exchanging bewildered glances. You simply love to surprise, startle and amaze the masses, and there's nothing wrong with that. At the moment, though, you need to find a reason for all this verbal energy. Are you nervous about something? You've got to slow down a little bit and see what you can do to help your partner. Forget about your own needs for the day and focus all your energy on what you can do to strengthen the relationship. Revel in the power of knowledge today, whether from books, coworkers or even the Internet. You could use a change of routine, and learning something new could provide just the novelty you need. Get yours here While searching all over the Internet for |