Friday, July 31, 2009
Because I'm an Old Lady...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
This-n-That Thursday
- Is it me, or does the space station seem to be breaking down a lot lately?
- I had a dream I had Shauna Sand Shoes. It's come to that.
- I collect clever obituaries. I have a folder full of them.
- What are you when you're too old to be a cougar?
- I am so annoyed with the big news stories this week that texting while driving and tanning beds are dangerous. Duh. Are we that stupid?
- Am I the only one who doesn't understand all the stuff on the Healthcare Bill?
- Speaking of healthcare, do you know that a cat with congestive heart failure can almost bankrupt you?
- Augie leaves for college in 19 days; The Bird leaves in 22. I wonder if the President will have me over for a beer to make me feel better.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
A Disorderly Home?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
My Little World
Monday, July 27, 2009
If Only...
Today's Aquarius Horoscope:
Jul 27, 2009
Financial issues may interfere with your self-expression today, dear Aquarius. Perhaps you need a little more money before proceeding with a project that means a great deal to you. You generally aren't one to let this kind of consideration stop you, though. Just a little bit of thought and advance planning could make whatever it is you want to do more feasible than it appears to be. Write down some ideas, then go to it!
So....all I need to do is make a list and money will be available? Am I reading this right? Going to go get a legal pad....
Friday, July 24, 2009
Eighteen Years Ago

Thursday, July 23, 2009
This-n-That Thursday
- Why do vacuum cleaners die so fast these days? My mother had the same one for 30 years.
- Has anybody had the Trader Joe's edamame hummus? It is delish!
- Why do dogs roll in stink the day after you put the flea/tick stuff on them?
- I wish Paula Deen would come make me dinner.
- I would like for Giada DeLaurentis to come the next day.
- And then Ina Garten.
- Speaking of Trader Joe's, their peanut butter with roasted flaxseeds is fantastic!
- My favorite spices all start with the letter "C"--cinnamon, cumin, celery seed, chili powder, coriander, clove, cardamom and curry.
- When my parents went out on Saturday nights, we got to have TV dinners. It was my brothers' and my favorite night. I liked the ones with the baked apples for the dessert.
- I prefer vanilla over chocolate. You?
- I think I might be hungry.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I Wonder.....
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Blogfest Bits
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Yes, Virginia...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Avant-Garde Still Life?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Monday Mama
Today's Aquarius Horoscope:
Jul 13, 2009
It's time, dear Aquarius, to gather yourself together. You have a tendency to be all over the place at once. You need to channel your energies into something you really care about. Tell yourself how proud of yourself you could be if you could get this done. Don't give up on yourself and don't change directions on your way. Stay focused!
I don't believe I like this. But it had to happen sometime. By the way, does anybody know exactly how one goes about gathering themselves together?
Happy Monday, y'all.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Waiting, Impatiently
Friday, July 10, 2009
Head Fetish

Thursday, July 9, 2009
This-n-That Thursday
- I still say "you're welcome," when people don't thank me for, say, holding a door open.
- Do children write thank you notes any more? Or was there a law passed that outlaws it?
- I had a dream that I won $1 million playing bridge. In one sitting.
- I wonder what Princess Diana would look like today.
- I can't decide how I truly feel about bumper stickers.
- Why does only one side of my head get stuffy?
- Why did Tori and Dean have to sell their new house? I missed the first episodes.
- Am I the only person who watches Tori and Dean?
- I wonder if there'll be cameras at Blogfest next week....
- I get to rub thyroid medicine in my cat's ear twice a day. It's really fun.
- Is there really such a thing as cat scratch fever?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
And In Some Other News....
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009
Memory Lane Monday
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
This-n-That Thursday
- I know the difference between a redneck and a good ol' boy.
- A profound love for white sandy beaches.
- I know that a gentleman does not wear his baseball cap inside.
- Iced tea.
- I get that SEC Football is a religion.
- A deep and abiding understanding of buttermilk.
- Country ham and red eye gravy.
- Grape Nehi.
- I know how long "directly" is.
- Grandmother's biscuits.
- I know how to clean a 12 gauge shotgun.
- Finger bowls.
- Finer than frog hair is a meaningful way to answer "How are you?"
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Paging Helen Reddy...
I don't know about you, but I truly get a little jump start on the mornings I have a horoscope like this one:
Today's Aquarius Horoscope:
Jul 01, 2009
A new opportunity could come your way today, dear Aquarius. There is no promise or guarantee, but an indication that if you devote yourself thoroughly, your chances of progress are pretty good over the next month on any activity begun today. Keep up the good work, and keep smiling at everyone! Don't forget that the latter action is as important as the first!
After reading through many horoscopes until I find a suitable one, I generally pop over to Tina Brown's The Daily Beast. I highly recommend it if you have the time. Today, there is a wonderful piece about the power and abilities of empty nest women by Mimi Swartz. Here is an excerpt:
On the other hand, two or more decades of juggling have made these women very effective leaders, more focused and strategic with their time, according to Jarrett. “When you are forced to balance competing interests, you are forced to be vigilant about your day. Those habits stay with you,” she says. Her years of child rearing, she believes, have also made her more patient, a more tolerant listener and much better at reading body language. (Sometimes, after all, a pouting subordinate isn’t so different from a pouting 3-year-old.) She says she’s also more likely to let a staff member out of a meeting for a child’s soccer game, because she’s been there.
The empty nesters “tend to have skills that men their age don’t have,” says Ann Stock, former chief of protocol during the Clinton administration, and herself an empty nester. Above all, these women are grateful that they sacrificed neither home nor careers to get where they are today.
“When I was younger, I never could have appreciated this stage of life,” says Jarrett, referring to the power and freedom she’s enjoying in middle age. She likes to paraphrase the old feminist saw about how Ginger Rogers could do everything Fred Astaire did, but backwards in high heels. “We were used to dancing backwards and now we can dance forward,” she says. “Imagine how productive we can be.”
I love it! And I wonder if I can put this on my resume... Going to go make it great a day now. I hope you do too. And try to hum a little "I am Woman" while you're at it.