My children and I have been absolutely gutted by the tragedy in Newtown.
I struggled with what to post today, and have decided that we will try some normalcy.
Our grief will be continued to be shared privately with one another.
And we pray for everyone. Everyone.
As we move forward, my soon-to-be graduates are job hunting.
And my gifted and brilliant daughter?
Contemplates being an Au Pair in Paris...
I don't think it would be the best use of her talent and mind.
But it sure would be fun to visit.
As long as she is happy, healthy and safe, I am behind her 100%.
My Bird's gotta fly.
AB wants to work at the Waffle House. :)
As are we all, but I can imagine just moving from CT and having spent so long there, it's tougher ♥
I'm with you...whatever makes them happy xoxoxo
Yes, indeed they gotta fly. If they're happy, we are also.
Maybe she meant 20 an hour?
We're are all just so downtrodden over what happened; can't stop thinking about those families. :(
Somehow working in Paris sounds glamourous maybe? Yep you have to let them fly. Hardest job in the word though.
Funny - Matt almost took an internship in Paris. They were going to pay him peanuts and give him subway vouchers. But still - Paris! That's when I got my passport. But then he was offered the job in NYC and has been there ever since. Yep - our children have to fly.
So very sweet - and she'd be in a magical place!
I think the au pair thing would be fun and a great learning experience.
But then again, I thought it was great that your son played rugby when you were lukewarm (at best) on the topic, so pay no attention to me.
Oh, I'd say go for it! She's young, she should do something a little crazy (ok, seriously, I'm just thinking about the visiting opportunities) :)
you've given them the self confidence and the wings ....
So sorry for your grief & for Connecticut. I have no appropriate words...
Glad to hear the baby bird will soon be spreading her wings. As will mine, after she passes the bar & she's already passed the ethic parts in flying colors (whew!). I think being in Paris as an au pair sounds like a great adventure. Or even a job w/ slightly more freedom & pay. Our daughter didn't listen either.
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