Thursday, November 17, 2011

This-n-That Thursday

It's all about me. Yawn:
  • I misplaced my tweezers for a day. It was hell.
  • I am going to play bridge tonight for the first time in a long while. I feel lucky. I hope they have lots of money.
  • I am in a wardrobe crisis. The s-word is in the forecast for this afternoon. And in the 60's by Sunday.
  • I am obsessed with Van's gluten-free blueberry waffles.
  • I have killer shin splints.
  • I have new chewable vitamin D3 things. They taste like rum candy. I swear.
  • I cannot wait to see my babies next week!
  • I got that shellac polish for a manicure on Saturday. I love it.
  • I also got a big, faux Princess Diana ring. I love it, too.
  • I have to run a half marathon in 47 days. It ain't gonna be pretty.
Now tell me something random about you.


Keetha said...

Happy Thursday to you!

I started Zumba class last week (love!) and my shins have been hurting, too. I empathize with you.

I'm excited for you that the birds will return to the nest next week. I love Thanksgiving.

Ellen said...

You need to increase your potassium for those shin splints. Bananas and OJ will help.

Hope all is well. Nurse Nancy tells me that you are going through a big change in your life. Good luck.

Daryl said...

A lovely crisp (soon to be soggy) day here which hopefully will keep the protesters out of Times Sq.

Shellac is da bomb .. just make sure when they take it off, they wrap your nails in acetone soaked cotton for 6 min .. then the Shellac slides off vs being filed off which can ruin the nail bed.

I bet that ring looks elegant with those nails

Cant wait to see you ...

Nurse Nancy said...

Sounds like you are spot on with taking good care of yourself......I have shin splints too. Trying to get back to running after a very long respit. No half marathons for me!

Grandmother Mary said...

Enjoy your babies! I'm rooting for you for the half marathon. Are you staying in the park?

judi/Gmj said...

Have someone, another runner, check your gait.
Running down hills always made my shins splinter
picture of you nails please.
Da fasionistia knows of which she speaks.

KCSherri said...

My randomness:

I'm snarfing down Ruffle potato chips and French Onion Dip for breakfast. Yeah, it's bad for me - but it totally tastes good, so I don't care.

My daughter sprained her ankle last night.

I am trying to keep in training for running a half marathon, but eating chips and dip probably isn't helping, huh?

annbb said...

You're feelin' lucky? I'm feelin' luckier - get that bridge money ready to fork over to ME!

Debbie said...

In a ridiculously weird way, I found out I had an uncashed insurance check from when Mom passed away. 8 years ago.

I didn't have to tell my bro, but I did. I'm either crazy or honest :)

That was this morning. Now I'm eating WAFFLES...the regular kind and reading you.

Wearing the ring during the marathon just might increase your speed? or at least blind the other runners hahahaha

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Wait! Chewable rum-flavored Vitamin D???!!

Country Girl said...

I'm addicted to old Frasier re-runs.

I have a penchant for petite ecolier cookies.

It's a winning combo. I'm hella exciting, aren't I?

Donna S. said...

I have not tried the shellac polish...let us know if you like it as well when they remove it.

An old friend is coming over tomorrow am for some girl time.

My son & family will be home next week too. I am so excited. They live 6+ hours away & my grandson will be 3 in February. Growing up without Meme! Wah

Grace said...

I got my hair cut and coloured today!

Diane said...

I discovered a chin hair run amuck last week. I thought of you.