Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday Text: Parentexting™

I think this is the year my children give up the pediatrician...
The Bird is traveling for summer school.
I secretly hope she needs some shots so we can go to her doctor.
I'm gonna miss the doctors at Willows Pediatrics...
Just like I miss my babies.
It seems like yesterday when Dr. Flynn sent me out of the room,
and then he gave my newborns their shots.
I cried harder than they did that day.
And this one?
Maybe he will let me take him there one more time.


Tammy said...

Darn kids and the growing up they do!

Trisha said...

They do grow up quickly, don't they? Just where is Bird traveling that she may need shots? Hopefully it is somewhere safe!

LL Cool Joe said...

The kids may grow up, but they'll forever be your babies that need looking after, and of course deep down they still need you too. :)

Daryl said...

So typical .. at least he agreed to the dentist ..

Caution/Lisa said...

I remember the very first time I took my daughter to the pediatrician. I was horrified at all the boys around us who shaved and drove themselves to their appointments. How quickly time moves.

Unknown said...

Another rite of passage. I stopped going to my pediatrician when I needed an OB. They were like alternate family.

Grandmother Mary said...

My daughter, too. I took her to her pediatrician until she said she needed a GYN doctor!

Joanie said...

Another step...darn it!! We moms just aren't ready for some of these things!

Carrie B said...

The time I took my oldest (last pediatrician visit) in and the doctor asked if I would STEP OUT so she could speak to him in private was THE WORST! Ugh
Of course I grilled him the whole way home as to what she asked...
You need to make this a meme so we can link up our own "Parentexting"

abb said...


Keetha said...

A glimpse of things to come! 'Tis bittersweet.

I Am Woody said...

I wish I still had the doc I had when I was a kid!

Debbie said...

Why do they do this growing up thing? I really don't like it either.

Flea said...

I tell my kids all the time to STOP GROWING. Do they listen to their mother? Nooooooo.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

They are too funny in their differences. Almost Mars and VEnus-like.

So excited she's studying abroad. It's one thing I wished I'd done.