Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hump Day Haiku: Hallucinating?

midway through juice cleanse
i dream a dream of ree's ranch
and a talking horse


Nurse Nancy said...

I think you are craving beef!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Maybe the juice cleanse is driving you nutso ;)

Grandmother Mary said...

See, you're already opening to alternate experiences and spiritual expandedness where all is possible. This is good!

deborah said...

Mr. Ed!
Have a great weekend:)

Diane said...

I don't know how you manage the juice cleanse. I'd probably be having bizarre dreams too!

Karen Deborah said...

wow like those may be some pyschedelic cucumbers, either that or you need this cleanse you toxic woman..what do I know? NUTIN!

abb said...

If Charley begins
To lick your face, you'll know
You've become P-dub

Mary said...

Rofl... Love it!

Daryl said...

Good thing you didnt win that book who knows what you'd be dreaming...

Country Girl said...

You're both doing haiku's. I think you may have something there.

Hilary said...

I don't get cleanses.. can't blame you re the weird dreams. ;)

Grace-WorkinProgress said...

Must we always go to extremes. I remember a carrot juice phase until everyone turned orange.

Debbie said...

As I drink this stuff
bad things will be flushed away
only good to stay

I Am Woody said...

I think you've lost your ever-loving mind. :)

Sally said...

I don't think you've lost your mind, but if I had to drink anything green; well, never mind. :)

Deb said...

I salute you! Me, just following WW and loving it...lost 15lbs this year....even with our not so good news on hubby's health...still managing to hang in there....

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

I think you need food. And fermented grape juice.