Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.
And the 2025 classic read is ...
2 weeks ago
Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.
hummm yeah me too! speaking to Cory of course....
Yeah that would bug!
I don't understand how all the bolts in the car don't come loose with the loud bass our young 'ens use. It certainly loosens our brains!
If you substitute the word 'bike' for 'car,' could you not direct the message to Squazz also? I'm just asking.
OK, why don't I get this????
Loud exhaust systems! What is up with that?? Drives me nuts. Why is that such a popular thing to do to your car?? I'll never understand males...
Does Augie drive by my house constantly? I am hearing this everywhere I go as I try to find some solitude in the day...
Let's just hope this fad goes away. I love you any way Augie :)
Loud exhaust systems are one of the reasons why I want to move to the country.
Bear((( )))
We are hoping this phase is a quick one. Like the drums were.
I actually made a an entire video about this subject:
I just don't get it.
I was told by a former significant other that loud exhausts save lives because they make one's presence known on the road.
I told HIM that loud exhausts do nothing to save MY life because I nearly about have a stroke when they sneak up on me on the road.
That and the thumping stereo systems really irritate me....I guess it's official: I'm old.
Dear Augie - I like your car....
So there!
I think I will outlaw those things when Shark and Mermaid get that age. The extra base will have to go also.
Not having a son or a car ..
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