Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tuesday Text: Parentexting™

All of our conversations happen this way:

And I'll take what I can get....


abb said...

Good babies! xo

abb said...
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Nurse Nancy said...

We take conversations in any way we can get them as they are all very precious.

KCSherri said...

I guess the bright side to the whole "TV" conversation was, they didn't ask for your house. ;)

Daryl said...

the bestest kidlets evah

Snooty Primadona said...

And you have them home which is wonderful!!

Sally said...

LOL!! The t.v.how funny!

Yeah, we take what we can get. :)

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

It sounds like the rugby player is building a summer man cave which no doubt requires multiple wide screen TVs....

Joanie said...

I could never post my texts because I am one of those people who send mixedup, nonsense!