I think I will invent some tax-meds to help me finish, and here are some names I think I might be trademarking:
- Tax Refundiagra (wouldn't this be nice?)
- Dependentrozac (I really need this one soon)
- Write Offisone (asthmagirl nod)
- Charity Deductionium AD (overfloweth...)
- Deadlinepi (is there a cure?)
- Interest Earnedopium (wishful thinking)
- Capital Gainslax (ditto)

UPDATE: Well, it's 4:30 here, and so far, I have cleaned my desk to a spit-shine. I have also whipped up a killer pot of rice 'n beans, and I downloaded a bunch of great new songs; the new Counting Crows is the best--FYI! I am also happy to announce that every single bath mat in this house is clean and fluffy. Taxes? Haven't even opened the folder. And cocktail hour is fast-approaching here on a very grey Friday...
My mind is a total blank this morning, but now I have that "Viva Viagra" song from the commercial stuck in it. Thanks a lot!
No drug ideas. Have a large java and more will come to you.
I'm all for making up drug names instead of dealing with taxes!
Isn't there a reciept-ilium for discovering reciepts for deductable items?
I have not finished mine yet either.
Oh crap, that reminds me how much my accountant is going to kill me for throwing all my unorganized at him...dang.
Oh jeez, TAXES. In my deadline dimentia I nearly forgot I need to get on taxes. I loved your list.
Oh God - I have to start to thinking about taxes soon too - I better start procrastinating now...
Thank gawd the taxes are done by the left brained intelligent one in our family. That's not me.
How about: Extenxanax ?
Glad to hear you got so much done without ever opening the folder. Well done!
Extenxanax! I need a bottle, please!
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