Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday Text: Parentexting™

Sibling rivalry and mama's missing top:
Both mysteries solved. Interestingly enough....
How are things at your house these days?


Country Girl said...

Are you wearing the splendid to NYC?

ps - love this text message.

Sally said...

LOL!! Love this. :)

Laura~peach~ said...

lovely texts... :) I wanna go to NYC...

Reena said...

Fun holiday time ... going to miss you guys in NYC ... bummer! But I'll love hearing about it!

I Am Woody said...

Funny thing - the birthday card I gave to my Dad dissed my brother:)

Daryl said...

Oh what did 'your other child' do that was so idiotic .. and are you wearing the Splendid flow-y top in/to NYC?

Magpie said...

how can you leave us hanging like that? what did he do???

Debbie said...

Love how the bird "tattles". Your kids have such class LOL

Me and Peach HAVE to come to NYC dagnabit!!