Monday, December 31, 2007

Metabolism Schmabolism

When I ponder the past year, as I am wont to do on New Year's Eve, I usually come away from the whole little episode feeling pretty darn good. Today, all that keeps coming up is that 2007 was the year of the diet. And when I say the diet, I don't mean just one. As chinese years are named after animals, the perimenopausal years should be named after various body happenings. I have declared 2007 The Year of The Diet.

Some highlights:
  • Dr. Oz
  • 11 day fruit and fish
  • 4 day grapefruit, tomato and hamburger
  • 2 week sugar release
  • colon cleanse
  • mini meal plan

These are just a few, mind you, and I didn't do the lemonade one because of the scary bathroom pictures. If you've investigated it, you know what I mean.

Yessir, 2008 is going to be the year I don't diet. Right.

2008, The Year of ____

What should we dedicate it to this year girls?

Happy New Year, Lauren


abb said...

Aren't you glad it's raining today and we can't go walking??? ;-) xoxoabb

Mental P Mama said...

Now, Annie, is that any kind of attitude for the new year??

Happy Mama to Three said...

Sounds like perhaps a year of the "undiet" maybe? Just a better eating plan, screw the diet?

Only my idea of course.


brneyedgal967 said...

2008 - The year of just BEING. Simply being.

Being yourself. Whether you have flappy arms, a waggly neck and wrinkly elbows ... by the way, I don't know what you look like -- I'm mainly referring to my mother -- (Lord help me, I'm going to hell now).

But you know what I mean, don't you? Just being you. With all your splendid imperfections that make you completely unique.
