Your IQ Is 105 |
Your Logical Intelligence is Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average Your General Knowledge is Above Average |
The Charlie Calendar Lives On!
1 week ago
Your IQ Is 105 |
Your Logical Intelligence is Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average Your General Knowledge is Above Average |
I love your fun quizes!
Let's just say I didn't do that well!! Ha! Maybe I should wait until after my first cup of coffee? :-)
I quit at the first Math question and in my opinion you are way above average, my friend!!
Your IQ Is 110
Your Logical Intelligence is Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional
Your General Knowledge is Above Average
That math part is a joke. Lucky guesser I am.
135 genius genius exceptional genius only I couldn't figure out which was the math questions and I don't know what I missed???? I don't know what was logic and what was general. And what day of the week is it? I must be an idiot savant. Oh, I'll forget it all in five minutes.
Will you still love me tomorrow?
I hate those quizzes ... they totally confuse and befuddle me
I love that your verbal intelligience level is GENUIS.
I also love how I misspelled GENIUS. I can haz no iq.
Finally I know a genius!
I didn't take it seriously until it said something nice about me (ha)...too bad, my teachers didn't subscribe to this test....smiles.
This is one test I won't do! I'm not logical, my maths is dreadful and I'm not that good at general knowledge either! :D
Keep it a secret from my family.... I'm not really a genius!
I'd have pegged you much higher. I don't trust online IQ tests as a rule.
Too much math.
But glad to know a genius.
Not gonna go there. Tired brain. And after administering many IQ tests, the real thing, and not putting a whole lot of value in the results, I don't think I'll start now. But who knows, maybe one day I'll be curious enough... :)
I wasted more time than I'd planned & then Mensa called so I had to run, LOL!
I always knew you were above average!!!!!
That was way more difficult than it should have been, haha! Too many math questions... I'm much better in the verbal category!
My IQ is 100 and I am a verbal genius. Math, not so much. And I tried so hard, too.
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